January 31, 2017


As Ron left, Reese turned back to the wall and sighed. "I just don't get it." 

Hal joined him and shook his head. "Me either. I don't like the thought of a leak." 

Reese glanced at him. They were a small team here. Who could they accuse? 

Hal simply read his expression and shrugged before turning to leave. Once he was back in the control room with Sam, he eased down in his chair and let out a long sigh. "I don't like this one bit. No one here can be a leak. They just... can't. No one here is like that." He searched her face. Did she believe him? They were like family here. "I just don't think anyone here is capable of something like this."

Pete swiveled in his chair inside his cubicle, his phone to his ear. "Naw... I don't need to talk to him. I just... wondered how he was doing. Okay... yes, thank you.... goodbye." Hanging up, he ran a hand over his face. It wasn't the same without Gunner around here. Sounded like he was doing okay though. Nothing official, but at least there hadn't been any more incidents. 

After stifling a yawn, he got up and grabbed his keys. He needed coffee if he was going to wrap up these two cases he was working on.

Seeing Ashlee's smile made Travis smile all the more. He loved seeing the innocent wonder in her eyes and the way she got so excited with the things that seemed so little. "I think maybe that calls for another kiss," he teased. Leaning over, he gave her another kiss on the lips before drawing back and forcing himself to stand up. If he didn't get moving now, he never would. 

"I gotta go help in the barn before my dad comes to razz me." He slipped on his cowboy boots and straightened his pantlegs. "Save me a seat at supper?" 

Clint wandered back to the garage, Wendy's words playing over in his mind. He really didn't want to talk to Wes. Wes had made up his mind and that was that. He wanted to serve his country...so be it. He'd given up the shop and Clint wasn't going to go begging him for company. 

Working the rest of the afternoon, time moved quickly. And by the time supper rolled around, Clint was walking Ryan to the house. He let her inside first before stepping in behind her. "Honey, I'm home!" he called. He gestured to a coat rack. "Here, you can hang your jacket up there if you like." He slipped off his boots and wandered to the kitchen. "Mmmm, something smells good." Chase was in his high chair and started banging his baby spoon on the tray, squealing happily with some mixed gibberish as he saw his daddy.

Clint grinned and motioned Ryan in. "That would be Chase." He reached over and fluffed up his wispy hair. Chase giggled and didn't notice, or care, about his drool. Clint moved over near the stove where Wendy was finishing up supper. "I see we're a little early. Sorry. Anything I can do?"