January 24, 2017

Cold Hard Truth

Just watching Hunter Ryan couldn't help but laugh, being shoved all the blankets made her laugh even more. Sure there warm cozy moment had been broken but in a way, it had been worth it to get a laugh. At least they could laugh at the silly stuff and not be too embarrassed.

The loud clap of thunder that made Hunter jump caused Ryan to jump too. Truth be told this really was great weather to just stay in, have something warm to drink, and play games, or watch a movie. Or simply sit and watch the rain.

   "I think staying in side is a good idea still. I can run over to my bunk get cards, run and grab some lunch and bring it back."

Sam followed Garret just letting him take the lead. Going into Aaron's room she just stood and let Garret do his thing. She listened to both of them talk and in a way, she semi felt bad for Aaron. Once Garret and Aaron left the room Sam followed to the cubicle.

Looking up as Garret and Aaron came over Sapphire couldn't help but a little leery of Aaron, but seeing Garret almost shielding her made her feel better. Giving a nod she turned to her computer again and pulled up all the information again turning the computer screen so they could see better.

Watching Aaron as he walked away again Sam's heart sank. She really had hoped this would be a wake-up call but it looked like it had backfired. Hearing Garret Sam gave a nod.

   "I'll just leave him be for now and bring him some ice in a bit. Thanks, Garret, for trying."

Seeing Scott Hope was happy and at the same time, it made her heart hurt. He looked horrible, so much worse than he was and she felt so helpless. Just watching him for a long few seconds she just watched him waiting for him to talk first.

Just listening as he talked Hope sucked in a deep breath and then letting it out again. She knew Scott wanted to be fixed, it was what he wanted the most.

   "The thing is...you'll never be fixed. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on and find who the new Scott is. That's just the cold hard truth. No one expected the old Scott to come back, we just want Scott back."