January 5, 2017

Tired All the Time

Seeing Misty, Mackenzie beamed and threw her arms around her. "Misty!" Pulling away, she giggled. "Mom says I'm growing like a weed."

Still standing only halfway in the house with the door open, Carson swallowed hard at Misty's invitation. "Naw.... I've gotta... get back to the restaurant." He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to convince himself it was the best choice in spite of every fiber wanting to stay.

"Aw, come on," Mackenzie begged. "Just for a few minutes? Please?"

Carson looked down at her and smirked before giving her nose a tap with his finger. "No. You just enjoy your girl time."


"Mac," he warned.

She sighed. "Oh alright. Party pooper."

"Hey." He thumped her on the back of the head. "Behave yourself."

She smirked, not having any idea she looked just like him when she did. "Be back tomorrow?"

"Yep. Tomorrow evening."

Mackenzie gave him a hug, which he returned, lifting her off her feet and making her squeal. He set her down and ruffled her hair before he looked back to Misty. "If you need anything... just call. Mac's got her folks' numbers too." After hesitating another moment, he finally turned to leave, heading back to the car.

Mackenzie sighed a little, disappointed the three of them wouldn't be together at all, but she'd been read the riot act more than once about bugging them. She knew they were separated and that was that. "He's always working," she mumbled, though. "He looks tired all the time." Shifting gears, she picked up her bag which was almost too heavy for her, and regained her smile as she looked up at Misty. "Where should I put my bag? I've been wanting to come over for soooo long!"

Garret shrugged but nodded. He hoped Sam would be able to get through to Aaron somehow, or at the very least, keep him out of trouble. The Agency might not care about him, but Garret still did. The man was severely misled, and that wasn't his fault. Not to mention... Garret still felt guilty about him being here at all. He never was supposed to have come with Victoria. 

Aaron sat propped up in bed again with his knee elevated, trying to ignore how much it hurt after JT had left. The blanket on his lap was filled with lego pieces as he'd taken apart his creation to start another one. All his days were melding together as if time didn't exist anymore. He was so bored he was ready to scream. He knew he gave Sam a hard time, but truth be told... he looked forward to her stopping in, even to yell at him, just to give him someone else to look at besides himself. 

One of the lego pieces popped out of his grasp and tumbled to the floor. Sighing, Aaron turned a little and tried to lean down to reach it, but he leaned too far. And all at once, half the pieces in his lap cascaded down to the floor as well, bouncing and rolling every which-way. 

Groaning in disgust, he righted himself, set aside the pieces that were still safe, and slowly got up. Scowling at the floor, and wondering how he was going to do this without killing himself, he finally lowered himself down to his good knee, while trying to keep his other leg straight. It hurt. A lot. But at least he was on the floor where he could reach most of the pieces. Except that one... clear under the bed. He laid down on his stomach and crawled halfway under the bed, despite the searing pain it sent through his leg.

Hunter popped another curly fry into his mouth and sighed with content. His stomach was happy they'd found a decent fast food place right off the main route. Sitting across from Ryan, he was fairly quiet, just letting her take as much time as she wanted. 

Feeling his buzzing phone, he took it from his pocket and rolled his eyes. Replying to the text, he spoke out loud as he typed."Yes we will still be there for supper."

He grinned and glanced over at Ryan. "Mick's keeping tabs on our progress. I suppose I should feel loved." He shook his head and munched on another fry. "I think you're really gonna like it there."