January 8, 2017


Feeling the couch move, then hearing Misty’s voice and feeling her touch on his face, Carson cracked open his eyes. Squinting up at her, he groaned a little. “Sorry,” he mumbled hoarsely. “I was gonna leave before you got up.” Her hand felt so nice and cool on his hot skin, and he closed his eyes again. He felt awful. 

Opening his eyes once more, he rolled onto his back and grimaced as the room spun. He spotted the tea and toast though, and shifted his drowsy gaze back up to Misty. “You didn’t have to do that. I should prolly go home and work…” He shivered a little as a wave of chills hit. “…or maybe not. I feel like… I got hit over the head with a sledgehammer.” He swallowed hard, cringing a little as it hurt. “Shouldn’t you be going to work?”

Just exiting the barn, Hunter spotted Ryan heading to the main house, and walked quickly to catch up. "Hey, Sleepy." He smiled as he took off his leather gloves. He'd just helped with a bit of feeding, and would go back out shortly, but for now, coffee sounded good. "Glad to see you finding your way around in the daylight."

He opened the door of the main house and followed her inside. A few people were scattered around, and not only was there the scent of coffee in the air, but eggs and bacon as well. Going to temhe kitchen, he almost ran into Dylan who was just exiting with his own coffee. Hunter hadn't seen him in the barn yet today. "Morning!"

Dylan threw him a look that could kill before shouldering past and going to his normal corner to sit alone.

Hunter's eyes went wide and he glanced at Ryan. "Wow... I have... no idea what that was about." Dylan had been so friendly last night. What had happened? Trying to shake it off, Hunter helped Ryan get some coffee too, and found one of the empty tables to sit at with her. Cocking his head, he studied her just a moment. "You... wanna join me in the barn here shortly or you wanna be left to your own devices?"

Hal grinned and shook his head at Sam. “Nah, you’re not confusing. You’re just… complex.” He cocked his head. “But most things that are worth anything are complex, so… I’d say that’s a good thing.” 

Still smiling a little, he took a toothpick from the table and fiddled with it. “Speaking of complex… Reese and Kirk want a full list of needs for a security room and accommodations for the people we bring in like Aaron. Has to do with the new location I guess. Wondered if you wouldn’t mind brainstorming with me and coming up with a list of things we’d be looking for in a new place.”

“So… whatcha got there?” Justin gestured to the legos. He’d been given a full rundown by Hal about how Aaron had been lately, all that had changed, and all they’d pieced together about his past. There were still a lot of holes though.

Aaron fiddled with a piece and shrugged. “An attempt to keep me occupied.”

“How’s that working for them?”

Aaron scoffed. “Why don’t you ask them? They’re the ones that can’t seem to figure out what to do with me when I get bored.”

“Like… when you break out of here at night?”

“Not my fault they don’t make good enough locks.”

“So why do you do that? Break out, I mean. If you’re not trying to escape, what’s the point?”

Aaron gave him a withering look. “You get paid to find that out?”

“No. I was just curious.”

“Curiosity killed the cat.”

“If that’s true, why are you so curious about all there is to see around here when you’re wandering around at night?”

Aaron turned his concentration back to his legos. “Why are you really here?”

Justin shrugged. “I like figuring things out. Kinda like you do.” He cocked his head. “I’m a little surprised you haven’t figured out the Agency yet.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you seem bent on proving they’d welcome you back with open arms. But from what I’ve seen and heard, you’ve got a slim chance of that happening.”

“Yeah? Why don’t you get me out of here and we’ll find out?”

Justin chuckled. “So what about before the Agency? Family?”

“Shove off.”

“Father? Mother?”

Aaron set his jaw stubbornly and kept working on his car.


Finally Aaron shot him a glare. “Why in the world would you want to know all that?”

Justin folded his hands. Sometimes the bare truth was best. It was apparent Aaron didn’t like to play games. “Because I’m trying to understand what makes you tick. The more about you I know, the more I can share with the Elite, the more they can predict how you’re going to act, and whether you’re really worth their effort to keep you out of prison. In the process, the more I learn, the more I might be able to get you to see the truth of the matter, which is that the Agency wouldn’t take you back, even if you did get out of here, so you’re better off just accepting the help around here.”

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. “And what in the world does my mother and sister have to do with that?”

Justin cocked his head. So Aaron had a mother and sister. No father in the picture though. Interesting. “Nothing. But it has to do with you. Who are you, Aaron?”

“I’m a prisoner that just wants to be left alone.”

Justin fell quiet, simply watching. Studying. Taking in everything about the way Aaron moved and spoke and looked at him. It was like a giant treasure trove just waiting to be discovered.