January 8, 2017


Early morning had come and Misty really didn't want to get out of bed and go to work. The night before had been a stressful one even if good was coming from her. She was tired still, but new since Rick wasn't around at the Elite she needed to get.

Taking a shower and dressing Misty finally started to wonder down the steps. Stopping half way down something felt off. Not to the point where Misty was worried to much but still something was different. Coming down a little bit more and spotting Carson's jacket on the peg she could of sworn he took that with him yesterday.

Wondering farther into the living room and seeing feet poking out from one end of the couch she stopped again, Was Carson there...sleeping on the couch? Drawing even closer and looking down at him Misty smiled. He must have come back later and didn't want to wake her so he crashed on the couch. 

About to wake him Misty took note to his flush cheeks and the sweat that was coming from his head. Reaching down softly she felt his forehead and he was burning up. She'd let him sleep for now, and make some coffee, and get him some tea. 

Soon the house smelled of coffee and some toast with light butter was made. Carring the drink and toast into the living room she set it down on the table and sat on the edge of the couch. Running her hand gently along the side of Carson's face.

   "Rise and shine sleepy head. I've got some tea, and toast for you."

Once Ryan came out of the bathroom Ryan pulled the blanket off her face. Just watching him get ready she couldn't help the small smile the spread on her lips.

   "You look really nice this morning."

As he left Ryan snuggled down farther into the blankets and fell asleep again quickly. It wasn't till about a half hour later when Ryan finally woke. Rubbing her eyes she pulled the blankets back and stood. Remembering again she was in Hunter's bunk she slipped her shoes on and wondered back over to her own bunk.

It didn't take long for Ryan to shower and get ready for the day. Jeans, her books, and a flannel shirt with a tank top under it was her choice. She wasn't quite sure how to dress around here but this seemed to fit. Tying her hair back in a pony tail.

   "Alright, lets see what this day holds."

Stepping outside again a little more awake now Ryan gave stretch taking in the fresh air. Stepping off the porch she wondered if there would be coffee in the main house. She might as well wonder that way. Maybe that's where Hunter was now too.