January 3, 2017


Hunter was sound asleep, tired from the day's drive and the evening's antics. Having kept the room's temperature cool, he was sprawled on his back under the covers. 

Feeling the bed move a little, he shifted, pulling himself awake. Ryan's voice woke him completely and he jumped a little, squinting in the darkness to find her sitting next to him. The tone of her voice said it all. Anyone else might think she was there for far different reasons, but Hunter could immediately tell she was there because of a rough night. He'd told her she could use his key if she needed, and he wouldn't back out now, even if it wasn't quite what he'd imagined. 

He yawned and pulled back the covers, patting the space next to him. "C'm'ere" he coaxed sleepily. Once she'd laid down, he draped the covers over her and turned on his side to wrap an arm around her. "It's alright," he mentioned quietly. "You're safe in here, okay?"

She was warm and her hoodie was soft. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes again. 

Hal turned as Sam entered the office and smiled. "Hey there..." His smile widened at the coffee, which he accepted. "Oh now... You're gonna spoil me."

After taking a sip, he chuckled at her comment. "My shoulder hurts just as much yours. But you're not to tell a single other soul."

He threw her a wink before sighing and thumbing at the monitor. "Your zoo animal was loose again last night. This time Ty kept a closer eye on him. He just... Wandered around a while. Walked out to the main floor, snooped around a bit, nosed around the infirmary a little, went to the bathroom, then went back to his room." Hal shrugged. "Didn't look like he took anything or tried to use any computers or anything like that. He looked straight at the cameras more than once, so he knows good and well he's been watched but doesn't seem to care. I don't know if he's that stubborn, that cocky, or just thinks we won't do anything since he's not causing trouble."