January 3, 2017

Do you mind...

Giving a nod as he walked away Ryan just stood there for a few more moments. Seeing Hunter turn and come back to her Ryan let her feet fall out from under her as her bottom his the mattress and bounces her off the bed so she was standing in front of him. 

Taking the key from him and looking at it Ryan finally looked back up at Hunter. She was very thankful for his kindness that he had shown her. 

   "Hopefully I wont need it, but thank you Hunter."

Being left alone once again Ryan sank down on her bed and let out a long sigh. It had been a long time since she had laughed so long and just let herself have fun that now she felt exhausted. Grabing her sweat pants from her bag and her hoodie Ryan headed for the shower, and than before she new it, she has passed out in bed.

...Waking with a start and staring into the dark room Ryan didn't know if she had screamed or not. Sweat ran down her forehead, and tears formed in her eyes as her heart race pounded in her chest. Never had the darkness scared her before but tonight is was more dark than normal. Maybe it was the face she had a good night, maybe it was because she was in someplace different. 

Finding Hunter's key Ryan fiddled with it for a long moment. A sound from over in the dark corner caused Ryan to jump and made her mind up for her. Leaving her room and going to Hunter's room Ryan slowly opened the door squinting in the dark. 

Going over to his bed and just sitting down for a moment Ryan didn't want to startle him and she felt like she was a little a child. Her voice came out and soft and shaky. 

   "Hunter...do...you mind if I sit in here with you. I...I...don't want to be alone."

Walking into the Elite in the morning Sam had two cups of coffee in had. Setting them down on a nearby empty desk she stretched her arm for a second. As predicted it was pretty sore this morning. Picking the cups up again and heading for the security room she would check in with Hal first to see how the night went.


Sam handed Hal the cup of coffee before sitting down in her chair and rolling it over closer to him. Looking at the moniters and than him she grinned. 

   "Please tell me your shoulder hurts as much as mine does."