January 2, 2017

Riff Raf

Taking a bite of her cheese stick Sam tried to get the cheese in her mouth before it went everywhere but it was to warm and just pulled and pulled. Feeling her cheeks go red just a little bit she broke the cheese off with her free hand before putting the rest down. That sure was lady like of her.

Sam gave a thoughtful nod she was happy Hal still had the ability to sometimes work on cases. He seemed quite capable of doing that kind of stuff and when he talked about it Sam could tell he did miss it took. Maybe some time in the future if she ever needed help on a case she could ask for him to get him out a little more.

Think about Hal's question for a long moment Sam realized she had no idea. She'd never even thought of asking what when Kirk wanted her to come and be Aaron's handler. 

   "Well...I don't know honestly. Kirk had said he wanted me here to help with Aaron and than be part of the team. So I am guessing I will be doing missions and helping with cases but as for where I am actually going to fit. I have no idea."

She had faith in Kirk though that he would find her a spot where she would fit, and not just leave her high and dry. She just felt a little silly not knowing where she belonged now that someone asked.

   "Hey, maybe I'll always handle the riff raf that comes in. Than I can bother you ALL the time."

Ryan shook her head hearing Hunter knock on the door. She didn't think he was that lazy but maybe he did feel a little strange her being a woman and all. She did find that quiet honorable in a way. He was a good guy like she had thought who had changed.

Waiting to get another text that the pizza was there Ryan must have drifted off to sleep because before she new it her phone was going off again. Not even sending another text she stood and went to Hunter's door and gave a knock waiting for him to answer.

   "Lets see at your place. It's probable cleaner than mine."