January 2, 2017

Your Place or Mine

Hal had to keep from spitting out his food as he laughed, and shook his head. "Oh yeah. I just love seeing Aaron's face every day. Definitely a perk." He winked and clicked his tongue sarcastically before grinning. He liked it that Sam had a good sense of humor. That would help immensely around the Elite. 

He popped another onion ring in his mouth and nodded thoughtfully at her previous question. "Yeah... I always liked being out of the office." He'd never been able to get in on a whole lot, but had endured some pretty rigid training when he'd first arrived. He had a keen mind and had learned fast. He'd been taught to think like an agent and had developed some good firearm skills as well. But someone had to watch the security monitors.

"I get pulled in on a case here and there when they need an extra hand at least, and I'm never too far out of the loop so I can easily jump in or provide assistance. But I do kinda wish I could do more than stare at monitors all day or night." He shrugged. "At least I'm on days now, and it's poor Ty still stuck there all night. Now there's a kid with potential. I think Reese knows it but we just haven't had the time to train him up."

Hal fell quiet for a few minutes as they are, but finally asked the question that he'd been thinking on. "So you're Aaron's handler... What happens with your job when he's released?"

Hunter chuckled as he read Ryan's first text, and reached over his head to give the wall a couple hearty smacks. 
I was too lazy to walk
next door. It's a long
way ya know.

Seeing her comment about the pizza, he felt a little bad that she wasn't feeling well. 
Light sauce it is.

He really didn't mind - he was just hungry and would take just about anything. After calling for the pizza, he cleaned himself up a little, then texted Mick to let him know they wouldn't be at the ranch until tomorrow. By the time the pizza came, he was wide awake again and shot Ryan another text. 
Supper is served. Your
place or mine?
He didn't want to be weird, but it would be ridiculous for them to eat separately.