January 13, 2017


Travis' grin remained as he stopped and looked down at Ashlee. "I've missed hanging out, too. I love my dad but... I'm 'bout ready for some different company." Stepping up on the porch, he opened the door for her and gave a slight bow. "Ladies first."

Going inside with her, they got their sandwiches and something to drink, and Travis picked a table near the window where they could sit by themselves. He could feel Eric's eyes on him, but opted to ignore it - they had Stacy's own permission, and that was good enough.

Settling in his chair across from Ashlee, his smile returned. "And presto... right back where we started." He took a bite of his sandwich and nudged her foot under the table as he chuckled. "Except now we have a story to tell." His eyes roamed the other tables for a moment before they landed back on Ashlee. "Think it's too soon to ask if we could go riding together?" He knew good and well it was, but it was worth the thought. He'd been terribly miserable and lonely this past week and would dearly love to just have a little fun again.

Back in the corner, Dylan ate alone, as usual, although he watched the nearby table intently. Their separation certainly hadn't lasted long. He was surprised Travis wasn't sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with Ashlee rather than across from her. His eyes rolled just a little. Talk about obvious.

He shifted his sights next to Hunter's table, which just increased his irritation. What was it with these guys anyway? Picking up the last half of his sandwich, he stood to throw away his paper plate. He'd finish eating on the way to the barn. He had work to do.

Hunter had known Ryan was nervous about being around horses, but now he realized that was straight-up fear in her eyes. The last thing he wanted was for her to have a bad experience here. "Don't worry," he assured, offering her a smile."You won't be left alone. Promise." 

It didn't take long to finish up lunch, and after just relaxing a little while, Hunter took Ryan back out to the barn. Mick was there to help get them started, but after all the time Hunter had spent here his last visit, he was at ease and trusted, so Mick left them be unless they wanted any help.

With Buttons crosstied in the aisle, grooming came first, so Ryan could get to know her. Grabbing a brush, Hunter took Ryan's hand and slipped it through the leather strap. "This is how you hold the brush - actually, it's just easiest that way. Then just... start in the front and work your way back." He took Ryan's hand under his own and guided the brush for a few strokes. "Don't be afraid to put a little pressure - she likes it." As if on cue, Buttons relaxed and sighed with content.

Hunter chuckled and retreated to get his own brush, and he started on the other side, able to look over Button's back at Ryan. "Around a gentle horse like this, there's nothing to be scared of. You're just lucky she's short. Bonzai is gentle but tall so it makes things a little more uncomfortable at times." He grinned. "Gotta love him anyway."

Returning Bree's kiss, Gunner just leaned his head into her hand even after she'd retreated. He couldn't help the sad look in his eyes. He felt so out of control, even worse than before. He knew it would take time to figure it all out, but he just wanted it to be over and done with now. 

Reaching out, he took her hand and looked down at the engagement ring. Smiling just a little, he glanced back up at her. "I'm sorry..." He knew he'd already said it before, but nothing about that had changed. "I just... I wish... you didn't have to go through all this with me." His grip tightened around her hand. There was a part of him that wanted to pull away. To retreat like he always did. But he was learning that all that did was separate him from his lifeline. "But I'm glad you're here."

Finally he stood up, ready to go outside. "Okay... let's go for a walk. I found a nice tree to sit under, too. I'll show it to you if you like."

"Took him longer this time." Ty pointed to the timestamp on the video he was showing Hal. He didn't normally stick around in the mornings, but after keeping a closer eye on Aaron all night, he had wanted to share his findings. 

Hal chuckled as he swiveled a little in his chair. "Yeah. Sam changed the lock."

"Yet he still got out."

"Mmhmm. From the sounds of it, it would take an awful lot to get a lock on there he wouldn't be able to pick. Nice thing is, it took him longer this time."

Ty shrugged. "Either that or he didn't start picking it til later."

"Naw. I bet he started on it as soon as he knew the work day was over. Where'd he go after that?"

Ty leaned over his shoulder to type on the keyboard and bring up a couple different video feeds. "Same thing he did before. Wandered out to the main floor. Came back. Took a look around the infirmary. Then he disappeared for at least a half hour in the break room."

Hal's eyes narrowed slightly. "Hmm. Odd."

"Think I should put a camera in there too?"

"Not yet. I'll talk to Sam first. Speaking of which..." Hal motioned to another chair. "Take a load off. She should be here soon and you two haven't yet met. If there's anything she wants monitored during the night, it would be easiest if she just went to you directly instead of me being the middle man."