January 13, 2017


Sitting down with Travis Ashlee smiled. The spot he had picked was perfect and a little a ways from each other. It was nice to be eating with him again. She really had missed hanging out with him and talking.  She had gotten used to having someone else around, or to look forward to chatting with. It was nice to see her mom was easing up a little and letting them be around each other again.

   "Eric hasn't let me start riding again. I am dying too but I've got to wait for him to tell me its ok. I think he's being harder on me than my mom. I guess I deserve it a little bit but still, I'm guessing we will have to wait a little while longer before we go riding."

Taking a bite of her sandwich Ashlee was quiet for a long moment. She did want to do something with Travis even if they couldn't ride. It would be nice at least to have a little more interaction with someone other than her mom and Eric. 

   "Maybe we could go for a walk or something to spend a little time together? That could be fun too!"

Hearing Hunter's words as she finished off her sandwich make Ryan think a little deeper than maybe Hunter had even meant. His words though brought a little comfort in more ways than one. Giving a nod she was thankful for that and would hold his words close.

Finishing up lunch and throwing her trash away Ryan followed Hunter out and to the barn. Watching what he was doing, and getting Mick's help a few times Ryan tried to take everything in. Button's was a shorter horse compared to the others and she was ok with that. It was a little less intimidating.

As Hunter took her hand and showed her how to brush the house Ryan couldn't help feel a tingle that ran from her fingers up her arm. She felt more at ease knowing he was close by. She couldn't help thought every time the horse moved she jumped a little. Was it always like this for people who were new to horses?

   "Well...at least she is short so I can still look at you."

Relizing what she said could be taken wrong Ryan looked back to the horse her eyes slightly wide. Even if it was true what she said hadn't been meant like that. Just going back to brushing the horse she thought maybe Hunter would glance over it so she didn't have to be double embarrassed. 

   "I don't wish that. I am happy you have me to go through it with you so you don't have to be alone. If this was a bother to me I wouldn't be here. I just wish there was more I could do to help."

Standing Bree smiled and took Gunner's hand. She was ready for a walk and some fresh air with him. Just getting out of here if even not far might be good for him and help lighten his mood.

   "You lead the way my vampire, I will follow."

Coming into the office Sam was in a pretty good mood this morning. She'd gotten up in time for breakfast, got to watch a little news and just take her time. She loved Adison to death and was her best friend but the nights she stayed at Kirk's house were some of the best. She didn't feel rushed and could just laze about in the morning.

   "Good Morning Hal!"

Seeing it wasn't just Hal this morning Sam smiled and gave a little wave. She had seen the young man in passing and could guess it was Ty but she had never actully met him before. She was happy to finally get to though.

   "Good Morning, you must be Ty. It's nice to finally put a face with a name."