January 10, 2017


Just searching Carson's face the look and sadness she saw in his eye, for the first time in a long time she believed his words. He was sorry, and she was too. The past could never be erased, it could never be forgotten but learning from it, and moving past it could be possible. Misty wanted to try. To much bad had happened to her and Carson. The Agency might still be out there, but she wanted to move forward with Carson and face what them together.

   "I know we can't start over, but I am ready to move forward, to start a new chapter and if you'll let me...I'd like to help you fix the new house up."

She had lived in her house for so long she would miss it once she was gone. But a new place would be nice. A new place, to make new memories, a fresh start for them both and it would be theirs. She felt excited about that, and hope Carson did too.

   "I'm still not my old self yet either. I have a lot of depression I am dealing with still. I have good days I have bad days. I just...ask you bear with me and if I randomly start crying...just hold me. Ok?"

Watching Clint throw the can into the trash can Ryan smiled again. He must do that a lot since it hit is straight on. 

    "Mmmm...leaking oil, and wont start. If this was a car I'd say maybe the oil isn't only leak. Maybe doing a full flush would present another leak that was missed and is causing everything else not to run right."

Rubbing her hands together she glanced at Clint to see what he thought of the idea. This was his shop and his project after all. She didn't want to just take over completely.

   "If it sounds like its worth a shot to you, lets open this bad boy up, get under the hood, and get messy."