January 7, 2017


Almost having fallen asleep Ryan jumped at the sound of her phone. Seeing Eli message she hoped she hadn't woken him. She missed her brother already and hoped Zidan was keeping him company.

I'll try. Maybe tomorrow I can
take some pictures to show you.
 I'd gonna try an sleepwas a rough nigh last night.

After sending the message Ryan could feel the tiredness take over and she was asleep. The peacefulness didn't last long though as like the night before Ryan woke with a start sweat pouring down her face. Taking a moment to remember where she was the noises around here were new. The wind, coyotes howling in the distance. What had seemed peaceful now seemed darker. 

Getting out of bed and wandering over to the window Ryan looked out at Hunter's bunk. He said if she needed him again his door was open. Was it smart, though? The last time she had wondered into Hunter's room nothing had happened.

Slipping her shoes on and exiting the bunk Ryan wondered down the steps quickly and over to Hunter's. Opening the door slowly and seeing him on his phone Ryan stepped in. Once again she felt ridiculous but she had found comfort in Hunter once, and he was the only one here she new.

   "Hunter?...I was asleep, and then I wasn't. I...dont want to be alone. I keep hearing things that are messing with my head. Since you're not sleeping yet can I...just be with you for a little bit?"