January 5, 2017


Mackenzie giggled and trotted to the stairs, lugging her bag with her. "I'll be right back!" She chose the guest room before bounding back downstairs and into the kitchen, breathless.

"It smells super good in here." She joined Misty at the counter and peeked at the cookie dough, grinning. "And that looks good too. I help Mom make cookies all the time but she never lets me eat any of the dough." She bit her lip. "Sometimes I sneak some anyway. As long as Tina isn't watching. She tattles on me all the time."

Some might not realize the change in the young girl, but in spite of all the negative circumstances, she was pulling through, smiling and talking more than she ever had.

Helping with Misty, she had so much fun, especially when able to eat some of the cookies a while later. Sitting at the table, she swung her legs back and forth. "I hope you don't mind, I brought a couple movies and game." She paused, thinking. "Do you think I could get Dad to come back tomorrow and stay for a while before he takes me home? Carson I mean. Not Ken." She rolled her eyes. "This could get confusing."

Hearing Sam's voice, Aaron jumped, smacking his head on the underside of the bed. Cursing under his breath, he scooted backward, wrenching his knee and banging his shoulder as he went, making him mutter all the more. 

Finally free, he propped himself up on his forearms and looked up at Sam with a scowl. "Well I was fine until you came in." He rubbed his head. "I was just sitting on the bed and I dropped a lego and so I moved and the rest of the pieces went thhffffpp all over so I got down here and there was a piece clear back under..." He let his sentence trailed off as he realized what an idiot he must look like. And for the first time, a bit of humor twinkled in his eye. 

"Um..." He looked down at the floor and almost choked, trying not to laugh. "I think I might need help getting up."

"Mm, I got in some good hours in the saddle." Hunter nodded. "Actually it was a freak mishap that got me to stay much longer than planned. I fell off and into a river- that's when I almost drowned. My knee got wrenched super bad in the process and I'd ridden my bike out here so I had to wait til my knee had healed before I could go home."

He chuckled and ate the last of his curly fries. "Staying though... that's really when I got straightened out. God had been trying to wake me up, but it want til I almost died that I really got the message." He tapped his head. "Got a bit of a thick skull." He scrunched his nose and chuckled. "Hopefully this lesson has stuck with me though. Anyway...so yeah. I think you'd have fun riding but nobody will pressure you. Except me... I might just a little," he teased.