January 5, 2017


Looking around the kitchen and than back to Mac Misty gave a smile before handing her a spoon and taking her own dipping it into the cookie dough and than eating it.

   "I don't see Tina here. Your secret is safe with me."

Continuing to finish the cookies with Mac misty also poured them some milk. They talked and laughed and had a good time. Misty really liked seeing the young girl again she really had grown a lot and not just in height. She was maturing quickly.

   "Movies and a game sounds good to me. We can order wings for dinner if you want and watch the movies."

Thinking about Mac's next question Misty thought for a long moment taking a bite of her cookie. She had asked Carson twice to come and spend time with them and both times he had said no. If Mac asked would it be any different?

   "He might but I am just not sure. Couldn't hurt to ask, but if he says no don't badger him to much ok? I don't want him upset with you."

Sam couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her as Aaron got all tangled up in himself. Just watching him she crossed her arms and listing to his explanation she shook her head. Seeing the twinkle in Aaron's eye same couldn't help but let her smile grow too. Was that a side of Aaron behind all the anger. 

   "You were just a hot mess aren't you."

Giving another laugh and going over to Aaron she took his hand to help him up. She couldn't just leave him there helpless on the ground now could she. 

   "At least tell me you got that piece back there."

Leaning forward on the table and just listening to Hunter Ryan gave a nod. She like listing to him talk and she liked hearing his story's. It helped her learn a little bit more about him and at the same time...his voice was just soothing. 

   "I could think of worse places to be stuck, and I guess it all worked out good for you."

Finishing off what she could eat Ryan asked for a box for the rest. She'd more than likely munch on it while they were driving and at least that would be one less reason to stop. Giving a small chuckle at Hunter mention he might bother her about riding she gave a little nod. 

    "I don't mind if you do honestly and if your the one controlling the horse that might calm my fear a little."