January 3, 2017


Hunter had almost made it to the edge, when he was tackled from behind again. Once more, he was taken under and came up sputtering. "Gah!" He tried to scold Ryan, but couldn't he was laughing so hard. She really wasn't going to let him win.

"Oh sure, make me do all the work." Grabbing her legs, he hiked her up closer to his hips and just let her hang onto his back as he used the steps to walk up out of the pool. She was so lightweight, it made the task easy. Picking up a towel, he tossed it over his shoulder, knowing it would land on her head. "Here. So you don't drip all over the floor." They were both completely soaked - there was no way they wouldn't get the floors wet. Truth be told, they should have at least partially dried off before going to their rooms, but Hunter didn't take the time. Picking up their few items he grabbed her legs again, not letting her slide off. Once through the door, he stopped, seeing someone out at the main counter.

"Shhh," he whispered. Taking off at a jog across the foyer, water was flying everywhere, and it took all he had not to stop and laugh. Against all odds, they made it into the hall without being seen. Hunter's laughter finally spilled out, and by the time he reached their rooms, he was having a hard time breathing.

He still refused to let Ryan go though, and used her key to get into her room. Trotting over to the bed, he spun around and forced her to let go of his neck, dumping her onto the bed, wet clothes, towel and all. Turning back around and still dripping all over the floor, he got into a stance with his hands up, not sure if she was done yet or not. Either way, his smile was genuine, as was the twinkle in his eyes.

Hal rolled his eyes and grinned at Sam. "See this?" He pointed to his face. "This is not my bored look. This..." He changed his expression to one of disinterest. "...is my bored face." His grin returned. "You'll see me wear that one at work a lot." 

Sighing, he finally stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Can I be honest?" He pulled his jacket on and checked his pockets to make sure he had everything. "I was just hoping you'd be the first to call it a night. I'm exhausted." He couldn't help laughing though, and let her go first towards the door. Once outside in the fresh night air, he took a deep breath. 

"Well... I guess... I will see you tomorrow." 

"Yeah, okay." Carson fell silent again. The pause was long. He knew it was. There was so much more he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her he loved her. Missed her. He wanted to tell her about the house and all he was doing to fix it up. He wanted to tell her how good it was just to hear her voice, and how hard it was to avoid her at the Elite when he was there. He wanted to tell her how badly his heart still ached for everything that had happened. 

"You're welcome... I know Mac's missed you too. It'll be good." He paused again. "Have a good night. I'll... talk to you soon."