January 6, 2017


   "Your mom might be right, but I don't think there is anything wrong with getting excited. So as long as you are here, new rule, if you wanna get excited, let it out, and don't say sorry."

Misty didn't want to undermine Mac's mom at home, but she could let her have a little more leeway when she was here. Kinda like being at Grandma's house. 

   "Peanut butter ice cream, with extra peanut butter on top...why...what a fantastic idea."

Time seemed to move fast as the laughter continued. Finally settling down for the night though Misty put her arm over and around Mac as she cuddle close. Misty didn't mind and it was nice to have someone with her. She missed that, and the house was far to quiet for her liking.

Hearing the young girls question Misty could feel her heart twist. She thought about Alec almost every day, and she missed him very much. She new Alec and Mac were close as well and could only imagen what she was going through dealing with it too. 

   "I miss him very much, every day."

Silent again for a second Misty looked down as Mac rested in her lap. Bring her hand to her hair Misty just let her fingers run through it for a long moment before finally talking about.

   "Carson...he just...its hard for him to talk about Alec being gone. Not that its right, or wrong, its just harder for him to try and express his sadness. He misses him just as much as we do, but we all handle it differently. "

  "That's not a bad skill to have. Not many people can really see the big picture before its build, or break it down once it is. I'm impressed."

Silent again for a second Sam just stood here watching Aaron work again. Garret was right on how Aaron's mind worked. She wish there was an easier way to keep him busy than to always buy new locks for the door but it was just...not at that point yet. 

   "Life has a way of doing that sometimes. Taking us off the course we think we are going to go down. Its never to late to chase a dream though, even when you are stuck in a place like this."

Turning Sam headed for the door not sure what else to say but stopped and turned back to Aaron. Giving a smile.

   "I'm going to be heading to the store, and I originally wanted to see if you needed anything I could grab for you. So...need anything?"

Just sitting at the table with Hunter Ryan spent most of the meal so far quiet. The food was good though, and the smiling faces that welcomed her were nice. It was going to take a while for her to get names of people down but so far she remember Mick, and Rosetta, and Angel was the doctor here. Other than that...it was going to take a little bit longer.

   "This is really good. Was it...Becky that does the cooking?"

Ryan felt very over whelmed but she was doing her best to enjoy the meal and the people. It was definitely quite the site seeing everyone together and at the same time, but it was nice too. This was one big happy family it felt...nice.

Looking to Hunter Ryan gave a smile. She felt very out of place, but she was at least trying to take everything in.