January 6, 2017

A Ride

Mackenzie sighed, relaxing under Misty's comforting touch. She thought she understood. Sort of. "I miss Alec too," she admitted softly. "He liked me and he was fun."

She nestled in a little closer and tried to watch the movie, but her eyes were growing so heavy. It had been a big day, and as try as she might, she couldn't stay awake. 

Being roused after the movie ended, she managed to get up and get ready for bed in the guest room, falling asleep almost before her head hit the pillow...

 ...It was after midnight. Mackenzie shot up in bed, trembling and unable to shake the images of her nightmare. They didn't happen every night anymore, but it was still often, and no less scary.  

Slipping out of bed, she pulled her blanket with her, quietly exiting into the hall. Padding down to the master bedroom, she carefully pushed open the door. "Misty?" she asked quietly. "I... I had a bad dream... Can I sleep with you?"

Aaron was quiet as Sam spoke. He wasn't sure he believed her about it never being too late. He was pretty sure it was too late for him for anything but the Agency. 

Still putting his creation together, he paused and glanced up at her question. A wry grin curled his lips. "How about a ride?" He looked down again and shook his head, knowing good and well he wasn't allowed to see the light of day. Maybe tonight he should go all the way outside. 

His eyes rose again, the grin still remaining. "I'd settle for a taco though."

"Yep." Hunter nodded to Ryan. "You're good." He smiled and took another bite of his food, just letting his eyes roam the the room. "A couple faces I don't recognize," he mused.

"Ah yes." Mick followed his gaze. "That's Lane - Angel's brother, and his son Travis. They're staying here now too."

"Pretty soon you're gonna be your own little town."

Mick chuckled. "Feels that way sometimes."

"Where's... Dylan?"

"Oh... around here somewhere." Mick smirked a little to hide his disappointment that his son didn't socialize with the family more. "He usually sneaks in a little late to sit by himself. Told him you were coming though, and he seemed glad."

Hunter nodded. He'd connected with Dylan when he'd been here before and hoped he might again.

Once dinner was over and Hunter had made his rounds to say hi to people, he opted not to stick around late. He was tired anyway and he didn't want to abandon Ryan her first night here.

Walking back outside into the evening air, Hunter glanced at the horizon where the sun had disappeared. Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Ryan before stepping off the porch. "Wanna call it a night or wanna walk a bit? I could show you the barns if you want."