January 12, 2017


Travis grinned and exited the tack room, waiting for Ashlee to follow. "Miserable." He started forward, but slowly... he didn't want to get to the dining hall too quickly. "Dad's beens royal pain the..." He bit his tongue. "Well, let's just say next time I'm gonna think twice about how I scheme."

Walking with his hands in his pockets, he rocked a little to the side, nudging Ashlee's shoulder. "You haven't looked too happy yourself. I still blame myself ya know." He sighed. "Maybe we can at least get back up to a picnic lunch. If... you still want to, that is." For all he knew, maybe she would just as soon keep things to lunches in the dining room after what had happened.

Hunter chuckled and shook his head. "I wouldn't think you were ditching me." He bit his lip. "But I thinking riding would be fun."

"Who's going riding?" Jeff  pulled out an extra chair and joined them at the table.

Hunter grinned. "Well I am. Ryan's never been on a horse before."

"Sweet!" Jeff took a bite of his sandwich and nodded. We've got just the mare for you." 

Hunter's eyes narrowed. "What? You're not gonna throw her on Bonzai?"

"Hey now." Jeff laughed and held up his hands. "That was all Mick. I'm a nicer guy than he is."


Jeff threw Ryan a wink. "We'll take care of you, don't worry."

"Just don't go out on the trail with him," Hunter warned her. "That's when I almost drowned."

Jeff grinned a little. "But you didn't, so it's all good." He took a sip of water, growing a bit more serious as he recalled that day. "How've things been?"

Hunter shrugged. "Alright." He could feel the air becoming awkward and knew exactly what Jeff wasn't asking. And as much as he'd rather not talk about it, he might as well get it out of the way. "She was fine last time I saw her."

Jeff chuckled, rather embarrassed now. "That obvious?"

"Uh huh." Hunter glanced at Ryan. "I... may have left out the part about Jeff here being Katie's dad."

Jeff took another bite of his sandwich sheepishly. "I should pay Nevada a visit."

"Well I'm... Sure she'd be thrilled to see you. Jason too." That last part had just slipped out and he looked down at his plate, clearing his throat. "So, um, which horse you think would be good for Ryan?"

"Buttons." Jeff nodded. "That little black and white paint mare in the back aisle."

"Oh yeah." Hunter grinned at Ryan. "She's not too tall, and super sweet. I fed her this morning and she was real gentle." He cocked his head. "I can introduce you and you can decide then if you want to try riding, if you like."

Gunner smirked and nudged Bree's leg with his toe. "You're not pudgy. But even if you were... that just means there's more of you to cuddle."

If he was ever going to get out of here, that is. He sucked a little more on his shake, falling silent for a short time. Eventually though, he knew he had to go get some socks and shoes on if they were going to go for a walk, so he took Bree back to his room with him.

Getting inside, he sat on the edge of the bed and found his sneakers. There were a couple pictures taped to the wall now. One of a beach somewhere, and one of Bree. A little radio was by the bed now too, and some headphones. 

"Like the wireless tech?" he asked dryly. "I wanted some headphones but I can't have any cords in case I wanna strangle myself." He sighed. "Don't they know that's not a vampire's style?"