January 5, 2017


Aaron smirked as he let Sam help him up, and he sat on the edge of the bed. Her question made him bite his lip and he tried to swallow another laugh, but it slipped out anyway. 

He finally shook his head. "Um..." He pointed under the bed. "It was too far back. I sort of, um..." An image flashed through his mind again of what he must have looked like, and a smile finally curled his lips. "I got stuck and couldn't reach it."

Mackenzie sighed as she nibbled her cookie. "Okay. But I am gonna ask him."

She reached out and dunked her cookie in her milk. "He prolly won't say yes anyway. I was surprised he brought me today instead of having my other dad drop me off." She shrugged. "Maybe I'll be able to spend more time with him after he gets the hou-" Her eyes went wide as she stopped. She'd been told not to mention that but she'd forgotten. "Oops. I mean..." She stuffed the cookie in her mouth. "Wings for supper sounds like a super idea as long as they aren't too hot."

Hunter smiled as he thought about the possibility of getting Ryan on the horse. "Oh, don't worry... I'll be around." He was pretty sure he'd wind up riding at some point, and was actually looking forward to it.

Soon, they were on the road again, and with just a few quick stops, they finally arrived at the ranch. The sun was sinking low but there was still a bit of light left, and they'd made it early for supper. Hunter parked near the garage and threw Ryan a grin. "Well...We made it. Come on."

Getting out with her, he looked around and stretched, breathing in the fresh country air. Spotting a figure by the main house, Hunter smiled and motioned to Ryan to follow him.

Seeing Hunter and the young woman, Mick smiled too, and stepped off the porch. "Hey there!" He gave Hunter a handshake that turned into a hearty hug. "Everything go okay?"

"Yep." Hunter nodded. "No major mishaps anyway." He gestured to Ryan. "This is Ryan McKade. Ryan, this is Mick Henson. He and his wife Rosetta own this place."

"Yeah, she's inside." Mick thumbed to the house before offering Ryan a handshake. "Glad to have you here, Ryan. We've got a bunkhouse prepped and waiting for you."