January 2, 2017

After all

   "Of course I don't want to be the first one to look silly."

Just smiling and stepping back Sam let Hal take his turn. Just watching he really didn't do all that bad. She wasn't to sure she was going to do any better herself. Taking a sip of her water Sam gave a nod once Hal was done.

Setting her cup down and walking over to where Hal was Sam stopped looking him in the eye and giving a smile. This was going to prove to be an exciting night after all.

   "Your secret is safe with me as long as you don't tell anyone how reticulated I make myself look too. No matter what...this is for you only to know."

Sam took her darts and took a moment to line them up before taking her shot. She didn't do much better than Hal was was only in the lead by a few points. Honestly it was a pretty fair match up.

   "Well look at that, you might win after all."

Picking up the phone and hearing Carson's voice Misty gave a little smile. After everything that had been going on at work it was nice to hear a friendly voice. Truth be told, she kind of missed him too. 

Hearing about Mac Misty gave a thoughtful nod. She missed her too something terrible. It was hard going from seeing her all the time to not at all.

   "I'd love to have her come and spend some time with me. Maybe you could come with her too and we could...all spend a little time together?"

Misty let the question linger. Carson had been giving her the space she wanted and it had given her time to think. She was ready now to spend more time with him. But she wanted to let it up to him if he felt comfortable or not.

Once Hunter was gone Ryan just sat there for a few long moments. Did she really want to join him in the pool and at least dip her feet in. She wasn't sure but she new she might as well try and make this trip worth it. This was a good opportunity and it had been a while. 

Getting dressed in a tshirt and her shorts Ryan made her way to the pool. Seeing it was empty except for Hunter she was happy of that. Going to the side of the pool and hearing his comment she gave a little nod.

   "I guess I couldn't pass up a good opportunity with good company involved."

Sitting down and dipping her feet into the pool Hunter was right the water did feel really nice. Just watching Hunter for a long moment Ryan couldn't help the warm feeling she felt. It was nice, it was comforting. Hunter was different but at the same time he was the same old good looking Hunter. She was happy they had started to form a friendship.

Looking away Ryan kicked her feel a little bit trying not to splash him but just letting the water wash over her legs. It had been a long time since she had just something like this..just because she could.

   "The water is really warm, feels really nice. I'm happy I took you up on your suggestion. Who knows maybe in a few minutes I'll get all the way in."