January 6, 2017


Not being in a deep sleep in case Mac needed anything Misty woke when her bedroom door opened letting in a little light from the hall. Hearing Mac's voice Misty relaxed a little bit. Her heart went out to the young girl and understood what bad dreams were like. 

   "Of course you can sweet, just..keep your cold feet on your side."

Misty couldn't help the chuckle and she moved over in the bed and pulled the blankets up. Resting her head on what was Carson's pillow Misty got the scent of him in her nose and it made her smile, but sad at the same time. She really was missing Carson. 

   "Alright, slide on in here."

Sam smiled at Aaron and rolled her eyes. Of course he would mention going out, but at least he suggested something else that she actully could do too.

   "I am still working on letting you get some sun."

Giving a nod about the taco that was something she could do. 

   "Taco it is, I'll be back."

Shutting the door behind her and locking it Sam made her way to the security room to grab her jacket. Smiling as she entered she waved at Hal.

   "Hey, I'm heading to get a new lock for Aaron's door, and get some lunch. You want anything?"

Wondering outside once dinner was done Ryan took in a deep breath. The air seemed thick in there only because she wasn't use to it. It was definitely something she thought she could get use to though. Just seeing all the famiys together, laughing, it was nice but made her miss her own. 

   "I'm exhausted, but I think I would rest better knowing my way around a little more. You lead, I'll follow."