January 3, 2017

One More Time

Hunter couldn't help his chuckle. He had to agree. "Yeah... we'd be here all night, and I suppose the hotel management wouldn't like that too much." 

Just grinning, he rolled his eyes at her "need" for help, but couldn't resist taking the bait. Swimming back over to her where he could stand in the water, he took her hands and squinted at them. "Yep. Definitely prune disease. That's what you get for causing such a ruckus." He bit his lip sheepishly and looked at his own wrinkled palms. "Hmm. Apparently that's what I get, too." 

He glanced up at the big clock on the wall and noted that the pool would be closed pretty soon. "I suppose we should get out before we totally shrivel up," he mused. His eyes weren't finished with their mischief though. Reaching up to Ryan's head, he dunked her one more time, and dove for the stairs in an attempt to get out before she could catch him.

Hal laughed and nodded. "Okay. They'll probably think we were arm wrestling or something." 

Cocking his head he just looked at Sam for a few moments, glad she'd suggested this. It felt like the ice had been completely broken - there was still a small amount of awkwardness, but most of it had dissolved somewhere between badly aimed dart throws and laughter. 

"Thanks for suggesting this... it was nice and... I've had a good time." He paused and glanced down, giving a short chuckle. "You were right. Time away from work is a good thing."

Carson could hear the disappointment in Misty's voice, and he cringed just a little. He wasn't changing his mind though. He couldn't. His heart had been laid bare too many times just to be torn in two again. He wanted Misty back. He wanted her back so badly that he could barely eat or sleep. But he couldn't play the game any more. She'd have to be serious about letting him back in her life before he'd risk it again. And even then... His thumbnail picked at a chip in the porch paint. She'd have to decide if she wanted the new life he was building. 

"Um..." He tried to get his mind back on track. "I'll see what Ken and Jeanette say. It's really up to them but I'll let them know you're willing to take her for the whole weekend. Then I will... let you know what they say and we can decide when I'll bring Mac over then. Figure if she's with me a little beforehand, she should have her fill so she won't try to pull any stunts with you."