January 14, 2017


As Ryan retrieved his arm, Hunter was a little surprised, but let her. Feeling her hand on his, he just sat still for several moments as his pulse seemed to adopt a different rhythm. Slowly, he slipped his other arm around her too, but this time it wasn't to take the reins. Nestling her hand between his, he just held her. Quietly. Gently. Warmly. 

Resting his head against hers, his eyes just roamed the field, and for a second, it seemed time was standing still. A butterfly flitted by on the breeze. Sunlight bounced off a dewdrop in the tall grass. A whispy dandelion seed drifted past. 

Buttons sighed and stretched out her neck before shifting her weight to subtly remind her riders that she was still there too. Hunter straightened, but this time he didn't bring his arms back. "You're in control," he commented softly. "She'll listen to you... But I'm here if you need me."

Travis' grin widened and he turned his head to rest it on his arms while just looking at Ashlee's face. "Daisies.... I'll have to remember that."

As the breeze blew a strand of hair across Ashlee's face, he reached over and tucked it behind her ear. His fingers lingered in her cheek though, and he bit his lip.

Slowly ducking back under the tree limb so it would no longer separate them, he looked down at her, his eyes twinkling. His hand returned to her face, his thumb tracing the outline of her cheek. "I sure am glad Eric lightened up... I was 'bout going crazy." Bending close, he gave her lips a tender kiss before pulling back just a little, waiting to see if she would shy away or let him return.