January 10, 2017


Taking the mountain dew from Clint Ryan nodded her thanks. Popping the top and taking a sip Ryan enjoyed the bubbly liquid as his fizzled down her throat. It had been a long time since she let herself just enjoy the little thing.

    "Do you guys get stuff from outside the ranch too or just what breaks here?"

Ryan's question really didn't matter she just wondered and was trying to make conversation to try and keep it from getting awkward. It was just kind of nice to be talking to someone else too.

   "I don't know, I think you might regret telling me I can hang out here as much as I want."

On one of her good days he might not mind, but on a bad day...that could be a whole nothing story and Ryan was scared to find out. Maybe she wouldn't have any more bad days around people. One could hope, right?

Looking at Hal Sam gave a small nod. It was hard sometimes knowing the line between helping, and being smart. She respected Hal and his option and appreciated it too.

   "I guess the most I can do it keep doing what I am doing and not let my guard down."

She thought for a long moment.

   "I don't know what Aaron's intentions are, or how his mind is at the moment. I'd rather be safe than sorry though."

Having Carson come up behind her in the kitchen Misty leaned back into him slightly. How still she had been to think she could live without Carson in her life. They were perfect for each other and despite their flaws she still did love him. She just hoped this time around maybe they had learned a little more and would rely on each other more.

  "A barrel of fun, no. But I don't mind. I've enjoyed taking care of you, and just knowing you are close."

Turning from the sink Misty faced Carson now and brought a hand to the side of his face. Just lettng her thumb run over his cheek. Maybe moving from here would be good. It held a lot of bad memories, in the new house they could start over, start new.

Leaning into him and placing a kiss on his lips Misty pulled away and smiled. She could see he was still not feeling well and he was still warm. 

   "Go sit down on the couch and rest. Dinner will be ready shortly ok?"