January 1, 2017


Hearing Hal hadn't been waiting long put Sam's mind at ease. She was happy he wasn't, after all waiting one someone and just sitting there had to be one of the worse feelings. Taking the menu from him she looked over it. Everything looked good and she new this might be a long process on figuring out what she wanted. She always had that issue when she would go somewhere new. 

Finally settling on some bbq slider, and mozzarella sticks Sam handed the waiter her menu. Taking a sip of her eater she just sat there for a moment before glancing at Hal now and again. It had been a long time since she had had been with someone she didn't know well and she forgot how difficult it was to get to know someone. She new she should just be herself, she just didn't want to do anything wrong and make Hal feel uncomfortable.

   "Well...my parents wanted all my brother to be in law enforcement. Three out of the five went on to pursue one form of that or another. The other two found passion else where. When my mom found out she was going to have another baby they hoped this was there chance to have another child who would follow in the oldest three foot steps."

Sam was happy for Hal's question. At least it was something to talk about, even if it wasn't the best store. It was a start to getting to know someone.

   "I was meant to be a boy, and when my mom had me and I was a girl...She was disappointed. She told me so. Anyways my parents wernt around much and my brothers mostly took care of me. I got to watch them a lot with there academe work and I watched a lot of cop shows too and took an interest. My dad was thrilled I wanted to join the FBI but my mom was not. She told me I'd never make it and it was no place for a woman. That was my drive and my determination. So here I am now. Job has its good and its bad moments but all in all I really love it."

All that was probable more than Hal wanted to know but he at least new the whole picture of her job choice. She really did enjoy it and she liked what she did. Being with the Elite was completely different but it was a new chapter and she was excited to see where it would bring her. 

   "How about you? I know you told me a little bit but did you always picture yourself doing something like this?"

Just following Hunter Ryan looked around at the hotel. She just took everything in. It was not bad looked, seemed clean. Hunter had made a good choice on where to stay. Hearing his comment about the pool Ryan nodded a little. She could smell it too.

   "That sounds like a good idea. To bad I didnt bring my bathing suit. I do have some shorts. Maybe I can dip my feet in. I haven't been swimming in a long long time."