January 15, 2017


Ryan smiled getting off the horse. She wasn't totally comfortable yet with the large animal but she definitely wasn't as scared when they first started. Maybe by the time she left she would be able to ride by herself without being totally petrified. 

   "Lead the way!"

Wondering into the barn and getting some treats for Button's herself Ryan tried feeding her. The first treat she dropped when Button's tried to take it, and the second time Ryan couldn't help but laugh as Button's lips went over her fingers taking the treat from her. Bringing her hand to Button's cheek Ryan smiled as she scratched her.

   "You're not so scary after all Mmm..."

Hearing Jeff's voice and being in her own little world Ryan gave a jump. Recovering quickly though it wasn't Jeff's falt she had been off somewhere off and she didn't want him to feel bad. 

   "Hey! It was...scary at first, but I enjoyed myself and think if I ever try again I won't be as scared now that I know what to expect. It was definitely a nice view."

Ashlee felt so drawn in my Travis' smile. The way his eyes twinkled when he did so, and the small dimples that formed it was captivating. Knowing they did have to go back Ashlee let Travis take her hand again and lead the way back to the ranch. She didn't want to be late and not be allow to see him again.

As they got back and Travis took another kiss Ashlee couldn't help the dumb smile once again as she returned it and then she stood just watching him walk away. She couldn't help but wonder if this had been a dream, lack of seeing Travis was making her hallucinate, but feeling the tingle from his kiss again she new it had been real. 

   "Hey Ashlee, Eric told me you and Travis went for a walk. How did it go?"

Coming up to Ashlee Stacy had taken note to how close Travis had been to her, and the smile that was on Ashlee's face. She was curious about what went on during their walk but didn't want to completely embarrass Ashlee. 

Her mom's words broke Ashlee daydreaming and she snapped her head to look at her mom. She tried to remove the smile from her face but it didn't work and just made her smile even wider. She just couldn't help it.

   "The walk was great. Best one yet. I'm happy we got to go. I better go see if anyone needs help with anything before dinner."

And with that Ashlee was gone and Stacy was the one standing there watching her go. Shaking her head she smiled. She knew what that smile was, but she would keep it to herself for now. She didn't think she had anything to worry about but she would keep a watchful eye.