January 8, 2017


Misty could only let her tears continue. She couldn't help how she felt, everything had been building for so long that now she exploded. It wasn't fair to anyone. Not to her, not to Carson, this whole thing was a big mess. 

Having him draw close her heart skipped a little beat like it always did when he was near. Though this was not the time she couldn't help it. As Carson's words hit her ears her heart broke more. She knew he tried, she knew he continued to try and she was just as much fault for pushing him away as she was. 

About to say something Misty stopped as Carson left. Still standing in the kitchen tears rolling down her own face Misty felt a mess, and she knew the only one thing to fix it all, and he was leaving now...again. They had so much they needed to work through, Misty knew that. Standing there a few more long moments she follows the path Carson took the paper towel he'd given her soaked in blood but really not caring much. 

   "Carson Gabriel Banks....I would still go through a whole mess of stuff for you. I'd sleep on the floor in your new hours, I'd get paint splatters all over me for you. We have a lot we need to work through still...but I am tired of doing it alone. I want you..., and only you...in my life...every day...from this day forward. Please don't leave again, I can't do this without you. I am begging you."

Moving her head back down Ryan closed her eyes. Tomorrow...another new day. Maybe it would be better than today. Maybe she could help too. She'd have no idea what to do, but maybe just maybe she could learn something new.

It didn't take but a few moments that Ryan slipped to sleep again wrapped in Hunter's arms. No more bad dreams would invade her mind tonight...she was safe with someone who cared.