November 11, 2016

Will you...

Taking the paper from Garret Maggie tried to smile. It was nice of him to go get her another one. As Garret took her hand she smiled just a little bit more as her fingers coiled around his. Walking with him she felt proud. She loved her brother to death but this was different. Garret was her friend and people couldn't pick on her for that. Not to mention she felt safe with him around. 

Getting into the car and falling silent for a long few moments Maggie just looked down at the paper smiling. It was just like Garret had described it at the dinner table. Fancy dressed, food, dancing, handsome men....he wanted to have a fairy tail too.

   "Will you take me? No one will laugh if you are there with me and...Nate can't dance."

Jamie accepted Con's kiss and returned it as well. He was everything to her, and as long as he was happy she was happy too. His mood had been better lately and she was happy. Not only because she had her old Con back, but because he was himself again and seemed a lot less frustrated. 

   "I always will."

About to say more Jamie is cut off by Reese coming over. The sound in his voice was stern and she new something was up. Did it have anything to do with the outburst by Nate this afternoon? Or many it was more to do with what was going on with Jason but she new it was serous. 

Looking to Con her face held a puzzled look as she wondered what was going on. It was going to bother her till tonight, stuff like that always did. 

   "Reese called a mandatory meeting tonight. I don't know what its about though. I do have the rest of the afternoon off though till the meeting if you'd care to have some lunch?!"

Adison can't help but laugh as she looked up at Kirk. As mean as it sounded she was happy Mark was in a bad mood. He needed to be knocked down a peg or two in life. 

   "Remeber that murder case we were working on a while go? Jamison and I closed it today. Mark's upset because I gave Jamison all the credit...but it was the right think to do. He had the tip and the lead."

Leaning back in the car and following Kirk with her eyes she smiled before wheeling her chair over to him and leaning on his desk like she always did. 

   "It's to bad you can only bring two people. Everyone is so mean to Jamison here, and he really is a smart guy who is quite capable of a lot. If you had asked me today who I think you should bring, I definitely would of said Jamison over Sam. Speaking of...did she like the idea of joining us?"

Bree looked at her Uncle for a long moment. If she didn't go with him he would worry more about her and though she didn't feel like eating or sleeping she new maybe she should. At least pick at some food to make him happy.

   "I'll come eat a little, but I can't sleep yet. I gotta keep thinking up places he might be. I just have too."

Going back to her map and running a finger long it. Maybe he went south, or west they hadn't tried there yet. She'd have to see if there were any places along that route that maybe he would stop at or go to.