November 24, 2016

I'll See

Taking another sip of her coffee as she listened to Kirk Adison remembered she was meant to have Jamison come with her back to the Elite. How that escaped her she had no idea.

   "Oh crap, I forgot you wanted to come with me back. I think if you ask him though he'll come on his own."

Scooting forward a little so her forearm could lean against Kirk's she looked down  at the files he was looking at for a long moment. All new cases, all new way to work them it felt overwhelming but fun at the same time.

   "Ok, sounds good. Love you too."

Nate hung up the phone with Laura and gave a sigh. How was he going to bring this to Garret without upsetting him to much. He'd figure it out some how. 

Hearing Reese call his name Nate looked up taking the file. Hearing about the next shooter again he stiffened a little. They had no idea what was going on or why this was happening. He'd do his best to try and dig something up but he wasn't sure how that would work.

   "I'll see what I can come up with."

Coming into the barn after her morning chores Ahslee gives a yawn. Last night she had not been able to sleep at all and now she was paying for it. After everything was done she was going to have to get some more coffee.

Seeing Dylan with the mares she walked up to him and have a little wave before sticking her hands in her pockets again. It was starting to get cold in the morning and she was going to have to invest in some winder clothing.

   "Hey Dylan. I'm done with my chores want any help?"