November 19, 2016


Looking down at the engine she was working on Ryan mumbled something to herself before she went back to work. As Axel came over she threw him a glance giving a grunt at his comment. The boss really did hate when they were tired at work, but Ryan was always tired now. No matter how much she slept it never seemed to work to well.

   "Yeah well...I think he's to scared to say something to me about it. I don't know if that is a good thing or not."

Tightening a bolt down Ryan lets out a small sigh. It had taken her longer than she wanted to finish this truck but she finally had. Now she could move on to the next care. Standing up and leaning against the hood for a long second Ryan listened to Axel and couldn't help but feel bad. She new how much this meant to him.

   "Ah man I'm so sorry Axel. It's going to be rough not having you here. You're one of my favorite people. Misty can't do anything to fix it?"

Following JT closely Bree let him talk to find where Gunner was. She was at her wits ends and just wanted to see Gunner at this point. Her heart was going to beat out of her chest as they talked. She just wanted to go in the room. 

Tears formed in her tired eyes as she listened finding it hard to believe everything they were being told. She wished Gunner would have asked for help and maybe this whole thing would be avoided. Had she missed the signs again with him? Could she have done.

Finally being let into the room Bree entered slowly not one hundred percent sure what she would find. Seeing Gunner laying there, bound down her heart sank. She hated seeing him like this, it hurt so bad.

   ".Vampire's shouldn't run from there life line you know."

Walking closer Bree look down at him her cheeks still stained with tears. Taking his hand though not very well with it tied down she held it. Just feeling he was there, she was there with him now. He didn't have to be alone.