November 18, 2016


Sitting on the table, Axel tried to hide his disappointment. He'd assumed that would be her answer. He'd known deep down that this seemingly small accident had caused too much damage to what had previously been fixed. 

He nodded though, appreciating her willingness to help. "Well...I guess that's that." He flexed his fingers a little, unable to imagine what his future now looked like. At least before, he'd only had bad spells. He'd still been able to work on cars. He'd still been able to play instruments in the band, even though he wasn't a main player. Now...? 

He swallowed hard. He didn't want to feel sorry for himself. There were many people who were far worse off than he. He still had a hand, and it still functioned somewhat - that was more than what some could say. It was still hard though. 

Finally standing, he took a deep breath. "You think surgery might help a little. Is it worth going through that for what the result would be? Or would you recommend just accepting it for what it is?"

Reese nodded thoughtfully at Ron. It was strange, having someone wanting to join them like this. Usually they found their agents and asked them to join. But Ron seemed confident he could add something to the Elite, and he also seemed genuinely interested in their force and what they could accomplish. "To be honest, I'm not sure how we're even restructuring things right now," he admitted. His eyes went to Kirk. "Not to I still make this kind of call or do you?"

Kirk shook his head. "The decision remains yours. I'll tell you that I think Ron would be an asset and I strongly recommend taking him on - for two reason. One, he'd be good, and two, during this transition time, we've got a lot of play room. Once settled, that's when the board will balk at any more expenses. But until we're all set, they're willing to fund the transition. So the more people on the payroll now, rather than later, the better." 

It made sense. Reese still didn't like hiring Ron without actually knowing him, though. "I'd like to know more about you...maybe see some of your past case work - other than finding Garret. Give me something to see in the next couple weeks, and I'll consider it." 

"...really?" Pete stood in Scott and Dalton's office, his eyes wide. 

"Yeah." Scott nodded. "We checked out that little town. Watermill. I guess it's considered a suburb of Crestview, so some maps lump it together with the city and some don't so it's confusing. Anyway, the town is big enough to have its own police station, hospital, etc. and... Gunner's car is at the impound. Dalton dug a little but all we could find out from here is that the car was abandoned along some back road."

Pete's pulse quickened. "So he couldn't be far from there."

"Not unless he hitchhiked, because there's no bus station or taxis there."

"Did you check with the hospital?" 

"Yeah, but nothing came up."

"It's a start though." Pete backed out of the office as his mind reeled. "Thank you. Both of you..."

"Bree?" JT paced the kitchen as he held his phone to his ear. "Just got a call from the Elite. They found Gunner's car up in Watermill. Haven't found him yet, but he can't be far from there." It was just over an hour away. "Want me to come with you to check it out?"