November 17, 2016

In my blood

Getting introduced to Reese officially made Ron a little nervous. It was like a new day on the job and trying to prove himself. It was always a nerve wracking thing no matter how times one did it.

    "Well, simply I find it fascinating here. This whole operation its well thought out and interesting. Not to mention you are fighting for a good cause and thats something I'd like to be apart of."

Falling silent again for a second Ron searched Reese's face. He wondered how he became part of this, and what his goal was when he first came. He seemed nice, cared for his agents and Ron wanted to know more about that. It was just in his nature.

   "I think I could bring a new skill for you guys too. Being a detective is in my blood, something I live for. It's not just a job to me, its a lot more. I really think I could help here, if you'll have me."

Hearing Axel's voice Misty gave a little smile and motioned him to come in. She hasn't seen him in a long while. He looked like he had been doing ok. Eyeing him closer though there was slight pain in his gaze and Misty couldn't help how her heart raced. She didn't want anymore bad news.

See Axel lift his hand she was slightly releaved but at the same time she was so sad for him. He'd worked so hard after his surgery and had come so far.

   "I'm never to busy for a friend. Come on over to this table here."

Having Axel sit Misty poked and proded checking over his hand. She new this was more than likely uncomfortable for him, and hurt like no tomorrow and she felt bad.

   "Well the good news it nothing is broken. The bad new is I can do surgery on it again, but it wont be anything like it was before. You might get a little function back but unfortunately it wont be the same.  I'm so sorry."