November 26, 2016


Nate's words followed Garret as he aimed for the exit. Family. Was his perception so messed up that he couldn't even recognize it when it was in front of him? And...why did the Driers consider him family? It made no sense at all made him feel...something he'd never felt before.

Just as he was pushing open the door, he almost ran into a young man who had also just left, and stopped short before stepping quickly to the side.

Jamison whirled around and also sidestepped. "Sorry," he apologized. He'd stopped walking once he'd gotten outside, not even thinking about someone else using the door.

Garret didn't respond, but just stared at him. Did he know this guy?

Jamison tensed as he realized just who this man was. "You're Garret Jackson, aren't you? You risked everything to leave the Agency."

Garret straightened, not sure what his intentions were. "What of it?"

Jamison shook his head. "Nothing. I just...think it's commendable, that's all."

"Have we met?"

Jamison blinked. "I...don't think I've ever been anywhere our paths would have crossed."

No...most likely not. Garret turned to continue his route. "You're probably right."

Watching him leave, Jamison finally picked up his pace again to his car. Most people might deem Garret as a criminal...and maybe he was. But in Jamison's eyes, he was also a hero. From what he'd read, there was hardly a man or woman with a position like he'd had, who would be willing to risk it all and walk away. There was a war happening between the Agency and the world, and many an ugly thing had happened...and would continue to happen. And there were so few who were willing to stand up and fight.

After opening his car door, Jamison stood for a moment and looked back at the building. These people...they were the Elite for more than one reason.

Aaron's head snapped to the side, startled to hear a woman's voice. It was that agent that was supposed to be his new handler...Sam? Not saying anything, he slowly sat up and slipped on his boots to lace up. Though he tried to hide it, it was obvious that it hurt as he leaned over his right knee.

Finally standing, he gave Sam a once-over and studied her silently for several moments. He eventually limped forward a couple steps and held out both his hands to be cuffed. He knew the routine. "So what did you do to deserve a job like this?" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hal, who was armed like usual. "I hope Hal there warned you it's an awfully boring job...babysitting a grown man, that is."

Reese nodded to Dalton. Even if he didn't like it, he agreed. "Alright... time like the present." He got up and pushed the chair up to the table. He hated to think what this information alone might do to Scott...

...It wasn't too much later and Scott was sitting in his office chair, looking up at Reese and Dalton. Everything had been told to him about the findings and Garret's assessment. Somewhere about halfway, his face had paled, and now his hands gripped the armrests of his chair without him even realizing it. 

Reese's expression was one of apology. "I...think it would be best if you didn't stay alone right now. Not until we've dismantled that lab."

Scott's eyes fell and he turned back to his computer to start working again. "Thank you for letting me know."

That was it? Reese's eyebrows rose and he glanced at Dalton. He felt like he should say more, but maybe it would be best if he just leave the two friends alone to talk it over. "Of course. We'll keep you informed."

Scott barely saw him leave. His eye was focused on his computer screen, but his mind was a thousand miles away, and going just as fast. He didn't even notice when his hands had started to tremble. Visions of his original abduction flashed through his mind, and he physically cringed. This couldn't be happening. Not again. He couldn't withstand another round of torture. He'd never survive another ordeal like that. 

His pulse started to race as his trembling increased. He couldn't be a target again, he just couldn't. 

Back in his own office, Reese sank down in his chair and closed his eyes for several quiet minutes. There were so many things happening right now, it was insane. Yet at the same time, their plates weren't even all that full with cases. It was all a different kind of busy, and one that was ultimately draining. But...the day must move forward. 

Eventually, he resumed his latest task by picking up the phone. There was no reason to wait. Hearing the voice at the other end pick up, he responded. "Ron? Mike Reese with the Elite. Got your files. When do you want to start?"