November 21, 2016

Eight O'clock

Hunter immediately saw Ryan's hesitance, and he couldn't help but feel badly. She'd always been so confident. So sure of herself in and out of her car. But now, she had such a hollow look in her eye, as if she'd lost her very soul.  

He gave a light chuckle. "I freak out half the time myself...just nobody sees me." He pushed off Leo's car.  "But the finish line it is, then. I'm gonna hold you to that, though... I win, and next time you're in my passenger seat." He smiled and threw Ryan a wink. "See ya in a while."

As he walked away, Eli's eyes followed him. He didn't seem quite as arrogant as he had when he'd first shown up here. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all. And if he could get Ryan back in a car, more power to him...

..."Of all the... You s..." Hunter bit his tongue to keep himself from swearing as he shifted gears and sped around the far turn. The new driver liked to play dirty, and Hunter had little tolerance for it. What kind of a jerk called himself "Thunder" anyway? He scowled and sped past another car, moving into second place. The finish line was coming up fast, and he didn't like it. 

Dust flew up behind his car as he tried to catch up, and he could feel his tires slipping as he tried to hold it steady. He hadn't cared about beating this guy lately, but tonight was different. He shifted into another gear as he caught up and ran neck and neck towards the finish. The other car came closer, threatening to ram him, but he didn't budge. If they collided, they'd both be done, and Hunter called he bluff. 

Growling under his breath, he knew there was no way he'd be satisfied with a tie. He'd rather lose. In a desperate attempt to turn the tables, he whipped the steering wheel around, purposely causing his car to spin out. The other driver, in fear of getting hit, veered off to the side and hit the brakes...which allowed Hunter to skid right across the finish line, still spinning until he managed to come to a sudden halt, right before hitting several parked cars. Enveloped in a dust cloud, his eyes were wide, and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly he wasn't sure he'd be able to let go. That...had been one of the stupidest things he'd ever done...and what a rush. By the time the dust settled, he was sliding out of his car with a satisfied grin on his face. 

Kirk nodded his agreement. "Yeah, why don't you do that. I'm gonna head to the Elite first thing, so I'll be there, and I think Reese will be too." He finally managed to get a forkful of rice all the way to his mouth. "Maybe there's a way to get him on the team yet..."

...Jamison pulled on a clean shirt and jeans before running a hand through his wet hair. Padding to the kitchen in his bare feet, he grabbed a container of yogurt and a spoon, then returned to the living room to stare at one of his bookshelves. It was only eight o'clock, but he'd already finished a five mile jog, his evening journalling, and a forty-five minute workout before a shower. It was his usual routine - the only difference was now he wasn't doing more work for the office. Instead, he was researching the history of archaeological digs in this area.

Holding the spoon in his mouth, he grabbed a book and sat down cross-legged on the floor in front of his picture window. Being three stories up in the brick apartment building, the window provided gorgeous morning sunlight to take advantage of.