November 15, 2016


Brittney cautiously took Ron's phone and looked at it skeptically for a moment before glancing back up at him. On top of everything else this evening, her own phone had died and she'd left her charger at home. She'd been an idiot in more ways than one. "Wow, you're...really nice. I mean I hope you are. With my luck you'll..." She clamped her mouth shut. Maybe she just ought to have faith at least one gentleman still existed in this world. "Thank you, I..." She looked back towards the club. She felt funny about joining the trio - after all, they were complete strangers, and it did look like they'd been having fun, just the three of them. On the same hand, it would be much safer to wait inside than alone out here in the parking lot. 

" long as you promise they're not jerks then I guess I have little choice but to accept your offer." She looked down sheepishly and slipped her shoes back on, even though they were the most uncomfortable things she'd ever had on her feet. Idiotic move number three hundred and fifteen. At least they made her a little taller... at only five foot, two, every bit counted. "Whatever you do, don't ever, ever, ever take a friend's advice to do something as whacked as meeting up with a guy you've never met at a place like this. I'm usually smarter than this, really, but I certainly learned my lesson. Not to mention, I should have at least had my car fixed first." She shook her head and looked down at his phone as she walked, wobbling just a little bit in the heels. 

By the time they'd gotten inside, she had a hold of the towing company. ", I... I'm at Nemo's. Yeah, I know it's across town but..." She threw up her free hand, accidentally flinging her purse onto the floor, and her eyes widened at Ron. Could she do anything more to make everyone think she was a total nut? She cringed. The possibilities were endless. "Yes, I understand it's late.... of course I know there will be an extra charge." She plugged her other ear to block out the club's noise. "Yes! Just send the truck! ...Well he might have to get out of bed, but I'm already up and waiting to go to bed! So who's worse off? ...Look, buddy, you advertise all-night service, so either send the stupid truck, or I'm gonna sue you for false advertising." She straightened a little. "Thank you. Yes, I'll be here." 

Ending the call, she handed Ron back his phone. "Some people! Ugh! They think just because I'm a woman they can push me around. Just because I can't start my car, I'm helpless and don't know how to handle them. Well, they, they, they..." The same stubborn strand of hair fell over her eye again, and she sighed as her shoulders sank. "If I drank, I'd need a drink. But since I don't, I'm just gonna follow you and find a chair. They're not gonna be here for another two hours." 

Back in the corner, Kirk raised his eyebrows as he saw Ron coming back, but not alone. "Oh, boy. He's got the walking chatterbox with him." And she looked a sight. He bit his lip and glanced at Adison. "If I start to laugh, kick me in the shin or something." His eyes were almost bursting with the mischief of a little boy. "I'm having a really hard time behaving." 

Approaching with Ron, Brittney held her head high, even though she knew it was pointless. She knew good and well how she looked - disheveled dress, smudged mascara and the long hair she'd worked on for so long earlier to curl and pin up in a cute style was straightening every second and slithering out from under all the sparkly clips. Who had she been kidding? "Hi... I'm so sorry for all this. I'm Brittney. I just need a safe place to hang out until a tow truck gets here for my car." She smirked. "Yeah, go figure. Bum date. Bum car." 

Kirk grinned and stepped forward to shake her hand. "No worries. I'm Kirk, this is my girlfriend Adison, and looks like you've already met Ron." 

Ron. She looked up at him again. That was a nice name that fit his face. "Nice to meet you all...really. It's been a heck of a night and after jerkface left, I'm by myself." She blinked. "Which...probably isn't the best thing to admit to a group of strangers."

Kirk kept trying not to laugh. "It's okay. You're pretty safe with us, unless you're wanted."

Brittney blinked before her eyes widened. " in wanted, wanted?" She looked between all three of them. "You guys are cops?"

"Nah. Well...Ron's a detective. Adison and I are FBI. Your boyfriend there wasn't a criminal was he?" 

"No!" Brittney's eyes were still wide. "I mean, he's not my boyfriend anyway, the sleazeball. I hope I never see him again." She realized she was fingering the edge of the pool table, and stepped back quickly, out of the way. "Sorry. Just, um...just ignore me. I'll just park myself and wait for my ride."