November 29, 2016

Dont ask me

Maggie couldn't help but laugh more as Garret laugh. It was infectious and it just caused her to giggle more and more as they played. Letting the games go on Maggie was happy Garret joined in and when he was done she smiled. At least he was still stay there, watching and laughing.

As the night went on and Maggie gave a yawn hearing Laura's comment she looked at Garret and smiled. Leaning the room Maggie runs upstairs going into the linen closet. Coming back down again she had an extra blanket. Putting it over top of Garret she smiled at everyone else.

   "Now we wont have to wake him."

Nate smiled. Another step in the right direction. To have Garret fall asleep out of his room with them was a step. At least he felt comfortable enough to do that, and safe. 

Sam gave a nod and stood before grabbing an extra magazine she found. Getting everything ready for his lunch she juggled a few things but finally got it settled before heading down to where Aaron was. Looking in the window and seeing him on the bed she nodded to herself before getting the door open and stepping in.

   "Lunch time Aaron."

Setting the tray down and taking a step to the side Sam was thankful Hal was outside. She didn't saying it, or show it but she was really nervous. She'd never been someones handler before and she was leery of Aaron and all she ready.

Taking the magazine and tossing it on the bed she looked at Aaron again going back to there conversation before.

   "There is your bed time story but dont expect me to read it to you. I think your a big enough boy you can do it on you own. How ever if you tell me what you actually like to eat, I can bring that for you next time too."

Sitting with Axel Jess let out a small sigh. She felt so bad for him as she new how hard this must be. To have something taken away, given back, and than taken away again was not a good feeling in the least. 

   "I'm so sorry Axel, I know this is not easy, dont give up hope though. You never know what might happen, and not matter what I still love you."

Leaning into Axel Jess paced a soft kiss on his lips. She was happy that at least she was there for Axel to help him through this. Even if it didnt help much, he wasn't alone and thats what mattered.