November 18, 2016


Adison had Kirk going for just a second, and he threw her a smirk. "I'm gonna have a hard time trusting you too in about a minute." He nodded his satisfaction at all their responses though. "Good. Adison, when we get back, I'll have you start working with me on a solid game plan. Sam, familiarize yourself with Aaron while you shed your current cases. We'll find a new niche for you. And Ron..."

He turned to his old friend. "I guess hang loose, send your files over to Reese and hope for the best. I'm gonna leave this one up to him. I think you've got a good chance though."

Axel cocked his head at Ryan, and set the wench down to come look in the engine she was working on. " better fix that whole not sleeping thing. You know Darrel doesn't like us sleepwalking on the job." He threw her a wink, hoping for just a trace of a smile. It was hard seeing her like this. She was so much better than a couple months ago, but still so far from the old Ryan.

As the other guys went back to work, Axel remained, and spoke a little quieter. He just didn't want the attention from the others, but felt he at least owed Ryan the whole truth. "It's not looking good for me," he admitted. "Saw Misty today and...there's not much that can be done. So..." He shrugged. What more could he say. "My mechanic days may be numbered."

Arriving at the Crestview hospital, JT was tense and quiet. This whole thing, from beginning to end, angered him, saddened him, and probably took five years off his life. If Gunner was even here…what kind of shape would he be in, and what would that do to Bree? Was it really better this way?

“…yes, Franklin.” JT refrained from rolling his eyes. He missed the intellect of the nurses he normally dealt with. Leaning on the counter, he glanced at Bree. He hated that worried look in her eye.

“I’m sorry,” the nurse apologized, “but there’s a flag on his record. He’s not to receive any visitors.”

“What? Why?”

She pursed her lips. “I’m sorry, but that’s confidential.”

“Look here.” JT’s voice grew firm as he scowled. “I’m his primary care doctor, and this is his fiancĂ©. If anyone has a right to see him, it’s us.”

The nurse’s face gained some extra pink. “He’s scheduled to be moved later today. Perhaps you’d like to-“

“Where and why?”

She hesitated again, but answered when JT glared at her. “Northside Mental Hospital.”

JT closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. “Not again. Can anyone tell us what happened?”

“I don’t have that information. You would have to speak to the doctor on call.”

“What’s Gunner’s room number?”

She had to think about it, but finally answered him. “Three seventeen.”

“Thank you.” JT immediately headed down the hall with Bree on his heel. He knew if he were that nurse, he probably wouldn’t act any differently, but it was still frustrating. Up to the next floor and down two more halls, finally the right room came into view. A doctor was just exiting.

“Ah. Doctor Brytle.”

The doctor smiled and held out his hand. “JT. Good to see you. What brings you here?”

“Your patient, actually.” JT thumbed towards the room. “Gunner. How is he?”

“Oh.” Dr. Brytle folded his arms over his clipboard. “Not good. Friend of yours?”

“Yes. Also, my niece’s fiancĂ©.”

Dr. Brytle shifted his gaze to Bree, then back to JT with caution. “I see.”

JT nodded. “We’ve been looking for him and know it’s not good. What happened?”

“Well…” Dr. Brytle sighed. “It would seem he was just ready to step off a bridge into a ravine. A volunteer fireman just happened to be driving by, saw him, and stopped him just in time. They couldn’t handle him at Watermill, so they brought him here where and…we can’t handle him either.”

JT made sure he was standing in Bree’s path for now – he didn’t want her going in there until they knew the full story. “What do you mean?”

“He wanted to jump awfully bad.” Dr. Brytle shook his head. “So badly that he’s been enraged with anyone who’s tried to help calm him down. It was an easy decision to have him transferred back to North Springs where they could take care of him. He’s done nothing but fight.” He paused to purse his lips grimly. “At the moment, he’s restrained and sedated. Anything less and he kept trying to hurt himself.”

“Thank you.” JT wasn’t going to argue the point about Northside yet. If Gunner really was this bad, then unfortunately, being transferred was the best option. He finally stepped to the side. He’d let Bree go first. After all, it was only right. He’d give her a few minutes alone with Gunner before interfering.

Inside the room, Gunner lay on the bed, tense and upset. The sedatives had numbed him though, leaving his mind in such a groggy state, it was hard for him to sort through his already muddled thoughts. His wrists were both restrained, keeping him secured to his bed so he wouldn’t try to bolt as he’d already tried multiple times.