November 26, 2016


Walking with Aaron Sam felt a little bad for him. It was easy to see he was in a good deal of pain, and she new his knee must be hurting. At the same time though she didn't feel all the bad since really he'd done it to himself.

Coming to a stop as Aaron did and slid against the wall she raised an eyebrow. From what she read in his file he wasn't one to give up, and stubborn for sure. Giving a nod to Rick Sam leaned against the wall and waited. Hearing Aaron's comment Sam gave a grunt.

   "I guess you are right, this is kinda like babysitting. I can treat it like that if you want?"

Sam looked down at him trying to figure him out. What did he really want? He new why he was in cuffs, it had been his own doing and yet he wanted them off. Sam wondered if someone could really change that quickly.

   "You can go home to your house. I'll go with you too. Plus I haven't seen Domino in ages."

Seeing Scott was really getting worked up Dalton went to his chair and rolled back over to him setting a can of Mountain dew on the desk.

   "It's going to be ok Scott I promise. I am with you every step of the way. No one is going to do anything to you again."

Hanging up with Reese Ron flopped down on his couch and pet his orange tabby on the head. This was all going to happen fast and it wasn't something he planned but he was excited. 

    "I wonder how you are going to like it in Nevada. As long as you have a place to sleep and food I doubt you will care."

Picking his phone back up he texted Kirk back again.

Oh good, it was a nightmare when
I first moved here with finding
something. I spend 3 weeks living
out of my car.

Sending the text he was quick to start another. 

 Looks like it will be in a month.
I have a few things here I need to 
wrap up. Good thing my apartment
is month to month. I'm excited.

Walking though the park trying to juggle four different text books the short red head tried to blow a hair from her face. She really should get a backpack but just hadn't yet. Every day though it seemed she had to park farther and farther form the University.

Passing a bench where she saw a dark haired man sitting she smiled wondering what a sight she must be. Looking in front of her again it was to late and she was caliding with someone else sending her glasses and books flying. 

   "I am so sorry fault."

Watching as the man hurried away and didn't even bother to help her she let out a long sign. Bending down she started with her books to sure where he glasses went but at least she wasn't totally blind without them. These books were on loan and she couldn't get them dirty or she'd have to pay for them.

Giving a nod to Laura Nate new at this point he needed to talk with Garret. He hadn't done anything wrong and he didn't want him to think that. Maybe if he was just straight and his tone was more wondering than anything else Garret would be ok. He was worried though and just wanted to make sure Garret wasn't in trouble.

   "Hey, I'm happy to see you go out on your own today and got a little fresh air. Being cooped up all the time is never fun."

Taking a sip from his glass of water that was still on the table Nate was silent for a second gathering his thoughts, Finally looking up again and searching Garret's face he just let what he wanted to say roll out of his mouth,

   "So who is John Schrader? I couldn't help but notice the link to his facebook, and I just wondered if maybe it was someone you new, or someone you think might be Agency?"