November 15, 2016

Late hour

Moving to the side with Adison, Brittney was just a little glad she could stand next to another woman for now and not feel so ridiculous. "Work? Oh, well, I work at a little pet shop, then I work from home writing blogs for a couple different places. It's...not very exciting." 

She looked down at her dress. The scoop neckline, the short length, the frilly sleeves. It was so not her. She'd just wanted to try something new...see if she could get some guy's attention, and she sure had - the wrong type of guy. This was all wrong, and she wished she'd never come. 

Looking up at the table, she saw Kirk make a bad shot, and cringed. "He's not very good, is he?" she whispered to Adison. 

Kirk straightened up and glanced over at them, pretending to be shocked. "I heard that!" 

Brittney's face grew red yet again, but this time she smiled. "Sorry."

Kirk quirked an eyebrow and held out his cue stick. "I was gonna finish this game at least, but you wanna do the honors?" 

Surprisingly, she got up and walked over to him. "Sure." 

Kirk hadn't been expecting that, and held up his hands in surrender, throwing Ron a wary look. If she played pool like she did everything else, they were in for some entertainment, but more power to her for trying. He wandered over to Adison and sat down next to her, giving her shoulder a playful nudge. 

Waiting for the turn to come back around again, Brittney eyed her options.

"Want a shorter stick?" Kirk asked teasingly. 

"Nah." She shook her head. Taking aim, she shot, succeeding in getting two balls in the far pockets. 

Kirk straightened. Lucky shot? Nope. She took several more shots until finally missing one, but it would have been nearly impossible anyway. Grinning, she came back over to Kirk to hand him the stick back. "There. You might have a chance, now. I'd hate for you to miss out on the winning shot though." 

Kirk started to laugh, then shook his head before accepting the cue stick and wandering back to the pool table again. Brittney sat down and bit her lip before giggling. "My uncle and I used to play for hours," she admitted to Adison. "I wasn't even sure I could still do it." 

At the table, Kirk threw Ron a withering look. "I'm not sure if she just showed up you or me or both of us."

Across town in his apartment, Jamison sat on the floor of his living room with files and papers spread out all around him. With his laptop next to him as well, he printed out another stack of papers to read next. Balancing a bowl of soup in one hand, he sifted through information with the other. He'd used Kirk's access code to get into the FBI system...which wasn't necessarily something he should have done, but Kirk said he wanted information, so that's what Jamison would give him. He had no idea why...but he was always up for a challenge.

Speed reading through one file, he set it aside on a growing stack of folders he'd already gone through. He took a bite of soup, then typed up another paragraph with his one hand. What a fascinating place - the Elite. The people were all so colorful. Different backgrounds and skills and personalities, but all together for once cause. It was like the ultimate team. He wondered if there were any bullies there like Mark. And he smirked at himself. Probably not. Mark was one of a kind. With a sprained arm. That helped, at least.

He glanced up at the clock, but ignored the late hour. He wasn't getting paid for any of this, but at least it gave him something to do.