November 14, 2016

Never can tell

Garret got to his feet and wiped his face with his sleeve. "Yeah....yeah, I'm fine. I just..." He swallowed hard and looked down at the floor. "I didn't mean to make that much noise. Please tell Laura I'm sorry." 

Truth be told, he was still quite shaken from his nightmare. The day...had been too much. He'd been foolish to think he could step out of the bedroom so quickly and just move on. Everything from Maggie to dinner to his time on the was just too much. And now he'd be lucky to get any good sleep at all. 

He leaned down to pick up the hand towel he'd dropped. "I' more careful," he concluded. He didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to go back to bed and hide away where he could just be alone with his own thoughts and not deal with other people or make mistakes that would disturb their night too.

Not saying anything else, he returned the towel to the bathroom rack, then went back to the bedroom and shut the door. He didn't want to give Nate any more time to ask questions.

Upstairs, hearing nothing but muffled voices, Laura dared to wander back into the hall, still holding Brian. The more she thought about it, the more she would say that what had woken her had been someone crying out. Had it been her imagination? It didn't sound like anything was going on. Still, she didn't go back to bed yet. Not until she was sure it was nothing to worry about. 

The woman jumped back as Steve was shoved into the bar and he almost fell, barely able to catch himself in a stool. His scowl grew more angry. "Why you-"

"Alright, time to go."

Kirk rolled his eyes as the bouncer finally arrived. He should have been there five minutes ago. At least Ron hadn't taken too hard of a hit - Kirk hadn't even thought about him taking it easy, still healing from his concussion.

As Steve was dragged away, he struggled and threw a line of slurred curses in Ron's direction, but didn't have the wherewithal to get out of the bouncer's grip.

The woman put a hand to her mouth as her cheeks turned red, and she looked at Kirk then Ron. "I-I-I'm sorry. I mean thank you. Yes, thank you." She grabbed a napkin to mop up some beer that had spilled on her dress. "I've never felt so stupid in all my life. Well, maybe that one time in college, but I prefer not to think about it. I mean of all the nerve! Just a casual night, he said. We'll have fun, he said. Don't worry, I'm a great guy. Now let me take you upstairs where we can be alone. What a jerk!" She tossed ths napkin onto the bar to be thrown away. "I should have known better. I looked myself in the mirror and I said Brittney, you're being dumb, and what did I do? I came anyway. Talk about desperate. Good grief!"

Kirk's eyes widened slightly as he took a step backward. She didn't appear to be high or drunk, just... talkative. Oh boy.

She wagged a finger at them. "If you ever consider internet dating, don't. Just don't. Well, maybe you guys could handle it since you obviously know how to knock a guy down a peg or two. I suppose it would be a girl in your case though. I-I-I mean, well if that's your preference. You never can tell nowdays." Her eyes went wide as she suddenly realized that Ron's face had already been beat up prior to this. "Oh my goodness. How many damsels in distress do you rescue every day? You poor thing. Can I get you anything? I feel just awful."

Kirk turned to the side to hide his smile and swallow the laugh that wanted so badly to come out. He eyed Adison with mischief, proving he found way too much humor in Ron getting cornered like this.