November 19, 2016


Gunner curled his fingers around Bree's hand the best he could. He really had intended on ending everything. Ending this nightmarish cycle. He'd wanted Bree's last memory of him to be a good one - not something like this when he was so out of control. So confused and lost. How was it better this way? How was leaning on her better than freeing her from all this? And yet...was what JT said true? Would him being gone for good just be that much harder on her? It hurt too much to think, and he closed his eyes again.

JT took a deep breath. Oh how he hated seeing Bree going through all this. "Gunner?" He paused until Gunner looked at him. "Northside or Brookshire? Those are your two options." 

Gunner's eyes pleaded with them. "Can't...can't I just go home?" 

"No. Not this time." 

"But...but I promise I-"

"Nope." JT shook his head. "We're not going down the same old road again, just to end up right in the same spot." 


"No! You're not going home until you've gotten the help you need. And you're in no position to argue."

Gunner looked back at Bree, his gaze begging her to take his side instead of JT's. But seeing the look on her face, he knew it was no use. He had no choice but to comply. "Brookshire," he finally answered quietly. He didn't want to go back to Northside, and he knew Scott had been helped at Brookshire...not to mention, it was two hours from home, and he wouldn't have as many people trying to see him and cheer him up.

"Alright." JT nodded. "I'll make the arrangements." He wasn't going to give Gunner enough time to change his mind now. This was best, and he knew it. As much as it hurt, it was best...

...It was evening by the time it was all said and done. Gunner was walked through the motions, but later would remember little. It was all a fog, bundled up with bouts of total compliance, to total anger with two attempts to bolt. Thankfully, between JT and the orderlies, he'd been no match for them. And in the end, he was at Brookshire. JT and Bree had brought a bag of things from his apartment. He was allowed his own clothing and a few personal items, though everything was checked to make sure he would have access to nothing he could harm himself with. 

It was a small room, but much more homey than what he'd had at Northside. Here it felt more like a bedroom than a hospital room. There was a rug on the floor, and he had a bed, a nightstand, small dresser and even a small shelf for whatever he wanted. He had his own bathroom, and a window that overlooked a grassy courtyard between buildings where there were a couple trees and picnic tables. 

By the time he'd gotten here, his energy had been completely spent, leaving him exhausted enough to simply comply with whatever was asked of him, and he remained silent through most of it. Now he tucked his hands in his hoodie pockets and sat down on his bed. He'd been given another light sedative earlier, which was probably best, but now he was still a bit groggy and he didn't like it. He just felt numb. Maybe it was better that way. 

He knew Bree had come to his room with him, but he didn't want to look at her. He was so mixed up inside, he didn't know how to feel, and he hated her seeing him like this.

Pete leaned against the wall outside the Elite as he made his call, tucking the handwritten number back in his pocket. He owed Ron more than a call. Hearing an answer, he straightened. "Hey, Ron, this is Pete...over at the Elite. Listen, um...I just wanted to say thank you. That hunch of yours gave us a lead, and we found our missing agent today. He's in bad shape emotionally but...he's somewhere he can get some help. So...yeah. Thank you. Next time you're in town, lunch is on me."

Eli grinned and dismounted his bike. "Well, we'll see about the ice cream. By the time you're done with your burger, you know you won't be able to resist at least one scoop." 

Walking up to the little cafe, he bought their lunches, then found a table nearest the beach to sit. He was glad the weather had cooperated today. "So..." He chewed on his bite of hamburger. "...Ever think about racing again? Word has it Hunter has lost his last three races." He chuckled. "Maybe somebody is finally giving him a run for his money. He's been top dog since you left."