November 26, 2016

Good Apartments

As Aaron stepped forward and held out his hands Sam came closer as well and places one around one wrist, and than the other fasting them so he couldn't get out. She wondered if it was always this easy with him but something told her it was not.

   "I guess I'm good at my job and that's why I am here now. I hardly find it a punishment."

Once Aaron was cuffed Sam nodded to Hal and walks out with him. She didn't know the rout they usually took so she started forward turning left first keeping up the light chat with Aarson.

  "If I was babysitting a grown man, I guess it would be pretty boring. Good thing I'm not. Just trying to get some exersise for you with the bum knee you got. So any idea from the doc when it will at least get good enough to walk normal on it?"

Sitting in while Reese talked with Scott Dalton could tell his friend was getting nervous. He felt bad for Scott he really did. He'd been through a great deal in a short amount of time. More than anyone should have too. But Scott had come a long way too. It was really impressive. 

Once Reese was gone Dalton walked over to Scott and laid a hand on his shoulder. He's stay with his little buddy for as long as it took and hopeful that was ease a little of Scott's fear. 

  "I'm going to stay with you till this is all over. I wont let anything happen, I promise...its going to be ok."

Almost missing the phone call Ron dives on the couch for his phone. Answering it he was a little surprised to hear Reese's voice so soon. Even more suprised was getting the job at the Elite. A change would be nice, and being in his home town again even nice.

   "Thank you so much Sir."

Getting up quickly and going into the kitchen Ron looks at the calander that hung there. He'd have to take care of a few things but it was definitely doable. First things first he would need to find an apartment. 

   "I have some stuff I'll need to take care of here but lets take I can be there and read to work in a month? That's not to long is it?"

Putting Reese on speaker phone Ron pulls up his texts and sends on to Kirk.

Hey, just got a call from Reese.
He said I got the job. Know any
good apartments?