November 23, 2016


Jamison sat back a little, very obviously surprised by what Adison had said. She wanted him to join them with the Elite? But...why? The Elite was top of the line in Jamison's mind. They didn't accept just anybody over there. To join that team would be...the ultimate. 

A flash of excitement passed through his eyes. But just as quickly, it was gone. "What do they need? Another go-fer?" Before Adison could answer, he shook his head. "Besides, have you forgotten I'm suspended? The Elite won't want somebody who's just been written up for slugging another agent. And even if they did, Barnes won't let me go. They wouldn't have anybody to make their coffee every day." 

He grabbed his yogurt container and wandered out of the living room to go to the kitchen and throw it away. Washing his spoon, he tried to stamp down the sudden irritation he was feeling. It wasn't Adison's fault he got himself into trouble. He was beyond honored that she or Kirk would even consider him for an opportunity like this. There was just no way it was going to happen, and he knew it. He'd blown it by letting his temper get the best of him. 

Leaning on the sink, he just stared down the drain. He'd gotten the short end of the stick almost all his life. Why should he think that would ever change? Hearing Adison behind him, he sighed. "For what it's worth, I think the Elite should be allowed to stay in operation. They're filling a hole no one else is, and doing a good job. Maybe they need some refinement, but shutting them down would be like cutting off a limb. We should be working together, not fighting over jurisdiction." 

He finally turned around to lean back against the counter and shrugged. "That's what I think." 

Leo grinned and nodded at Ryan. "Any time." They had an interesting history, the two of them. And at one point, he hadn't been so sure they could stay friends. But after all was said and done... he was glad they could be. It was hard watching her go through all this, and he just wished there was more he could do. "I'll see ya tomorrow at work." 

Walking away with Ryan, Eli kept watch on her out of the corner of his eye. He really was proud of her for stepping out and coming. Maybe there was still some hope after all that she'd pull out of this. Justin hadn't given up, and neither would Eli.

As they reached the car, Eli's gaze caught sight of a smaller group just outside the big crowd, and he paused with his fingers on the door handle. He should stay. But he knew he needed to take Ryan home. Shaking it off, he slid in behind the wheel. Before starting the engine though, he drew out his phone to send a quick text message. 

"Okay. Home and popcorn. I bet Zidan would like some extra attention, too."

A bandaged hand caught by the blade meant to kill. A shattered window, struck by a bullet meant for death. A dangling rope, unused, meant to take a life.

Failed attempts to escape the living nightmare. But with failure, sometimes hope is reborn. A hope of true escape, not just one of eternal consequence. A hope for life beyond insanity.

A number. A man. A life meant to live. A life with purpose. There must be a way out.