November 11, 2016


Garret took the ripped paper from Maggie and sighed. Enough cruelty existed beyond the school grounds, as he well knew - why did kids find the need to be cruel here, too? He scanned the half-sheet and wondered about the purpose. Fancy dress ball for kids, and adults like Maggie? For something that seemed pointless to him though, it sure seemed important to her. And that was enough. 

"Stay here." He stood and walked back towards the school building. He had no clue where he was going, but it didn't faze him. He got a few leery looks - probably because the teachers and parents weren't used to seeing a stranger this time of day. But he didn't care. It didn't take him long, and in a few minutes, he was back at the playground with a new flyer. He didn't know what Maggie planned to do, and assumed this was something Nate would probably handle, but for now, at least she had her paper that nobody had ruined. 

After handing it to her, he reached down to take her hand and prompt her from the swing. "You have just as much right to go to that dance as anyone else. Now come on. I gotta get you home before Laura thinks I kidnapped you." For once though...he didn't really believe that. 

Walking back across the school yard, Garret kept a firm grip on Maggie's hand and warded off several kids with an intimidating glare. At the car, he opened the door for her then went around and slid into the driver's side. Target was in custody and he was on his way back. Mission almost accomplished. Heading back to the house, he remained quiet, letting Maggie decide if she wanted to converse or not. 

Con wrapped his arms around Jamie as she came to sit on his lap, and smiled. He could hardly remember what it was like without her in his life. "Well...I'll think about it." Wearing an earpiece today did little to no good for him, and he hadn't liked not being able to hear what was going on, but at least he'd been able to communicate with the others. And it had turned out okay. He just needed to learn to be more observant with his eyes and rely less on the verbal communication. Twice now he'd succeeded though...that had to mean something, right? He knew he better make a decision fast, though. He was one of the few who knew what kind of changes were in the wind, and if he really wanted to come back, he was at risk of missing the boat. 

Giving Jamie a long, tender kiss on the lips, he then drew back and smiled again. "Thanks for always having my back, too."

"Jamie." Reese stopped by her cubicle. "Mandatory meeting tonight at eight. Feel free to go home then come back, but I want you to be here." He kept right on walking, stopping by Sapphire to tell her the same thing, then continued on to the others. 

Con quirked an eyebrow. "What was that about? I missed it." 

Kirk frowned as he tried to figure out just what had happened today. "Well...maybe that's the question that should be asked. If not the Agency, then who?" He shrugged. "Maybe Garret would have an idea." He was trying...he really was. And this case piqued his interest to the point he really wanted to dive in and help. But he couldn't...not yet. Not until Reese had informed everyone of what was happening. Kirk wished he would get that done soon so he could bring in Adison and Sam as well. 

For now, all he could do was nod. "Good luck. I'll see you around." Heading out, he glanced at his watch. Just enough time to go back to the office and catch up on a few things there before he could call it a day...

..."Man, what have I missed here today?" Kirk paused casually by Adison's desk, en route to his own space. "Just passed Mark in the hall and he's moody as I'll get out."  

JT sighed as he looked at his niece. She'd run herself ragged today and it was growing more worrisome. Not that he expected anything else, but he hoped if Gunner really was gone for good, that she'd be able to cope. He cared about Gunner too, for sure - they'd really become good friends. But Gunner's unpredictability was murder on any kind of relationship. 

"You need to get some rest," he prompted. "Come home with me. Eat something. Sleep. Then go back out. Please? It's going to be dark soon anyway and harder to see anything."