November 30, 2016

An Hour

Axel curled his fingers around Jess' as his smile widened. There were few people who understood him...his ways...his quirks...his quietness. But Jess did - and even when she didn't, she was patient - and he never wanted to lose that. In the midst of all the other garbage in his life, she'd stuck it out and supported him when not many would have. She put up with him like no one else, and loved him in spite of his flaws. And he couldn't deny wanting to be with her the rest of his life. He didn't say it often. And some people might never have guessed he was this serious about their relationship. But within his world that was often time was true. 

"Well... if I'm the best man in the world, I want the world to know I'm getting the best girl." He reached up to wipe away the little tear that had formed in the corner of her eye. He'd been thinking about this for a long time now, and had started to save his money...soon, he'd be able to get her a ring. 

Shifting around on the couch, he sat up in the corner and drew Jess into his lap, wrapping his arms around her again and sighing deeply with content. "I don't know what the future holds," he admitted softly. "Things are kinda...uncertain." Had he jumped the gun? He hoped not. "You don't mind... taking our time, do you?" 

Aaron had dozed off, so the opening door startled him, as did Sam's presence again. He figured she would have gone home for the day already and he would have Hal to deal with instead. Blinking the sleepiness from his eyes, he sat up on his cot and looked up at her skeptically. He was quite hungry after missing lunch. He hadn't appreciated her little maneuver. At the same time though...she could at least be more fun than Hal. 

Getting to his feet, he took a short step forward before stopping as the pain shot through his leg. Gritting his teeth, he managed the few feet to the small table where he could sit and accept the food this time, albeit grouchily. Taking a bite of the portion of macaroni, he grimaced. "All they'd have to do is add a few chopped chives... and some bacon bits," he mumbled.

He sighed and finally looked back up at Sam. "You know...the Elite...they like to think they're better than everyone else. They talk big about how bad the Agency is. Yet here I am, being treated like a dog, where in the Agency I actually got to choose my own meals, shower when I wanted to, and go outdoors whenever I pleased." He stabbed a piece of meat. Steak? He chewed on that, too. He was hungry enough at this point, he wouldn't complain any more. "So tell me... why am I supposed to be happy being here?" 

Upstairs in the control room, Hal kept a watchful eye on the feed from Aaron's cell. There was no audio, but he could tell Aaron was talking again, and he seemed docile enough. He wouldn't interfere, but he was ready if need be, and didn't look away from the screen even for a second. 

Walking on a head a little, Dylan did hear Ashlee, and figured at least maybe that meant she'd go riding with him like he'd suggested. Her comment about the tack room, though, made him roll his eyes and he just kept walking. 

Travis grinned a little sheepishly and nodded. "Okay. I'm just trying to figure out how strict the rules are around here. Where my dad's been, they're a little more hardnosed about things." He reached out and scratched Frosty's neck. "Speaking of which, looks like I'm making your partner leave you behind." He nodded to where Dylan was already at the pasture gate. "I'll catch you later." He aimed back for the barn to finish his task, then find Sparky to find out what else he should do before breakfast. 

By lunchtime, the day was progressing as normal, and early afternoon, Dylan was just mounting up on Sharpshooter outside the barn, waiting for Ashlee and Moonbeam. 

"Take the easy trail." Eric had just rounded the corner and gave Dylan a knowing look. Ashlee had come a long way in her riding, but he didn't want any mishaps if Dylan wasn't using his head. 

Dylan held Sharpshooter still as the anxious gelding pranced and chewed on his bit. "I will." 

"Good." Eric wandered closer and looked up at him, wondering about the dull look in the young man's eye. Had it always been there? "How ya doing anyway?" 

Dylan quirked an eyebrow. "Fine...why?"

"Just asking." Eric forced a smile and backed off. "How long you gonna ride?"

"Already told Stacy we'd be gone an hour."

Eric chuckled. He had it covered. "Alright. Be safe." He turned to leave, just now seeing Ashlee coming, and gave her a wink. "Have fun."