November 17, 2016


Aaron kept his eyes on Sam for a few moments longer, curious about her. In truth, he wanted to find a weakness. Find a way in so he could take advantage. Once he knew where that was, he'd be able to find the means to escape this madhouse. She might not be his ticket to freedom yet...but she could be. Hal was a brick wall, as he'd quickly discovered. No way out there. But women always had a weaker side to them. All he had to do was find it. 

His thoughts were interrupted as Kirk spoke again. 

"Alright." Kirk nodded to Sam and Adison. "Let's go on down the hall, then I'll show you downstairs." Leading them out of the infirmary, he continued the tour, heading to the lower level. "Another reason I want to show you all this," he explained, "is that as we hunt for a new facility, it needs to be some place that can adequately house all these different areas, or departments - whatever you'd like to call them - and hopefully even a little more. I don't want to take away from the Elite - I want to make it better, in spite of the board's lack of faith." He showed them the two holding cells, explaining one was Aaron's and the other had been Garret's. Then there was the rec room, connected to a longer, narrower room for target practice. It was all very obvious that a lot of hard work had been put into this, but it was quickly becoming too small and too outdated. Whether the FBI had stepped in or not, they would have needed to make some changes soon anyway. 

Back upstairs again, he stopped to scan the main room, spotting Ron off to the side. He wasn't concerned - Ron could take care of himself. Although he did want him to sit down and chat with Reese. He'd set down some folders as they'd entered the building, and now picked them up, handing two out of the three to Adison and Sam. "In here is a thorough summary of the Elite as a whole. It includes a history, staff profiles and even some case information. Adison, you're familiar with some of it already, but I want both of you to read through all of it so you know this place in and out." He paused and grinned at Adison. "You can thank Jamison for this - he compiled it overnight, believe it or not." 

Pete cocked his head and looked at the map again, trying to follow Ron's train of thought. "We haven't looked in that spot, no. We've searched around town, and to Crestview where we found him once before." He paused and eyed Ron for a moment. "Unfortunately this isn't a totally new scenario. Although he's never been suicidal and left town before. At least we think he left town." 

He sighed. This was his friend he was talking about, and it hurt deeply. But he had to keep his head clear. "Scott and Dalton are trying to catch if Gunner uses his credit card or anything, but so far no luck there. A missing persons report has been filed, but that only helps so much. Thing is..." He gestured to the map again. "It's been over twenty-four hours. If he didn't make any stops, he could be so far away by now that we'll never find him. Although he's unstable enough that he might not have enough gumption to do that, I don't know." He shook his head. "There's just absolutely nothing to go on. No clues. Everything he had was right here. He has no family to run to. No connections outside this area. So unless we get a suicide report...we got nothing." It was a depressing thought, but it was the truth. 

He glanced back to Ron. What was his expertise? Why was he here? And why had Pete just told him all that? Maybe it just felt good to vent to someone outside the normal team. "You think he'd be fairly close by. Why do you say that?"