November 30, 2016

Five Right?

   "Actually I don't think you'd appreciate it, quit the opposite. I new you wouldn't and really that's no skin off my back."

Pushing off the wall and walking to one of the walls, and than to another Sam looked around the room. Aaron might not realize it but this was a lot better than any jail cell she had ever put anyone in. It was clean, at least there was good light.

Coming a little closer and squatting down to look at Aaron. In his eyes there was fear, and she could see it even if he was trying to hide it.  Standing again she shook her head. If he did a little less complaining, and a little more cooperation he'd see it wasn't so bad after all.

   "Hey, you said you were the one being babysat so I figured that means your five right? I guess I got that part wrong. But you know you are right about everyone dying sooner or later. Some just lay down and let it happen, some fight to the end and some just try to get buy. No matter the situation we are in we all get to choose how it happens."

Going back twords the door Sam stops for a second and turns again just watching Aaron. She wondered if he already had chosen how he was going to live the rest of life out. Enough anger was built if she was to guess she'd say he had.

   "So are you going to go for a walk with me now or wait till tomorrow? If you're choice, but I don't want to hear you complaining if you leg gets worse instead of better."

The night had come and gone and now the sun was peeking over the horizon. Bree was at the hospital in time for visiting hours to start. Getting her name tag she made her way to Gunner's room. Giving a knock she entered and gave a smile. She'd missed seeing him yesterday so she was happy she was able to make it today.

   "Good Morning. Care to go for an early morning walk?"

Getting Moonbeam up next to Dylan Ashlee wasn't sure if the talk was because of his past or simply he was making sure she stayed safe. Maybe it was even a little bit of both. Ashlee just let the comment go though and continued to ride.

   "Mmmm...I'm not sure. I know my mom is really happy, and they get along great. He's a good guy."

That is all Ashlee really cared about was her mom being happy. After everything they had been through, she just wanted that for her. 

   "I kind of hope so though. I wouldn't mind having him as a dad."

Just continuing to ride and keep up with Dylan Ashlee fell silent for a little bit. It had been some time since she spent any time with Dylan. It was really nice though and she was happy to have this moment with him.

   "So what about you? How have you been doing?"