November 23, 2016

Do what it'll take

“Oh, you are a godsend.” Kirk accepted the coffee and took a long, slow sip. “Mmm…thank you.” He gave Adison a sheepish grin as she sat down. “And good morning.” He really wanted to give her a much more affectionate greeting than that, but all he dared was to slide his foot closer to give hers a teasing bump.

The news of Jamison got his mind back on track, and he nodded. “Good. About him being interested, that is.” Was the confident-less agent really too smart for his own good? Kirk was beginning to believe it. “I don’t want to wait too long and miss a window of opportunity…” He paused in thought, and took another sip of coffee. “Do you think he’d come over here if I called him? I need him to really want this if it’s gonna work. Otherwise I don’t know if I’d ever convince him to do what it’ll take.” 

Laura sighed as she thought about talking to Garret. It just seemed a little touchy to her. Slightly amusing in one way, but still touchy, with as moody as he was right now. “I’ll…just let you handle it,” she reasoned. “In the meantime, I’m gonna…” Her voice trailed off as she heard noise down the hall. “I think he’s up. I’ll talk to you later. Love ya.” Ending the call, she went to peek out into the hallway just in time to see the bathroom door close. Well, at least he was alive. 

“Nate?” Reese came up to his cubicle just as he was putting his phone down. He had a couple printouts of intel in his hands, which he passed over the short wall. “Here. Information on a case late yesterday afternoon. Cops were in the middle of an arrest – big drug dealer they’d been tracking for a while. Had him handcuffed, halfway to the car, and he was shot. Forehead, dead center. Killed him instantly… just like our sniper.” 

He pursed his lips grimly. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t like it. This time there was no Elite or Agency involvement, but the killing was exactly the same.” At least that proved Garret’s innocence as far as if there had been a second Agency sniper. “Bullet’s the same as the one pulled out of our guy but there’s no significance to it to be able to get a lead on anything. They’re asking us to get involved since we experienced this thing first. See what you can dig up. In the meantime-”


He dropped mid-sentence and turned to see Pete and Wyatt returning from a morning task. Wyatt waved him towards the hall. “Meeting when you have time.” 

Reese nodded and called over to him. “Be right there.” He looked back to Nate. “See me later if you’ve got any questions.”

Travis stifled a yawn as he trudged out of his bunkhouse. He hadn't slept well. Actually, he hadn't slept much at all, even though he'd been exhausted. All night he'd tossed and turned. New surroundings. New bed. And thoughts of his mom...and the history therein. Regardless, he got up when his alarm went off. If he was going to prove he belonged here and would work for his keep, he needed to be in the barn when everybody else was.

Tucking his hands in his jacket pockets, he wandered to the barn, his boots crunching on the gravel. He was still rather sore from his abduction, but it was getting better, and a hot shower last night had helped. Once inside the barn though, he had no idea what to do or who to ask, so he stood waiting until he was noticed by Sparky.

"Hey, good morning, Travis!"

Travis nodded and manage a half smile. "Morning. What can I do?"

"You know how to handle horses, right?"

"A bit. What do you need?"

"Well, down there we got six yearlings." Sparky gestured down the nearest aisle of stalls. "They need to be let out into the back pasture. Halters are on their stalls. Leadropes are hanging just about everywhere."

"Okay." Travis nodded. "Got it." He really didn't know exactly where he was supposed to be going, but it couldn't be too hard. He found a leadrope at least, and kept to himself as he went about letting the horses out.

It was only a few minutes later when  Dylan came into the barn as well and aimed in that same direction.

"Travis has the yearlings." Sparky stopped him in the aisle. "Wanna help me with the hay?"

Dylan lifted his eyebrows and shrugged. "Yeah...okay." He couldn't help but glance over his shoulder though. He always let the yearlings out. Besides, what was Travis doing in the barn? Rumor had it he was staying and was going to work here too. It must be have been true.


Dylan snapped his eyes back to Sparky. "Yeah, I'll get these mares first."