November 18, 2016

Got him

Reese had to admit that he appreciated Ron’s compliment. He didn’t think the detective was just trying to get on his good side – he did seem genuine. And…right about now, Reese could use the encouragement. “Thank you. It’s been a long road, and I’m just glad that for now, that road is going to continue. Tell you what though, just wait until you’ve got everything together, then send it on to me. It’ll be easier for me to see it all at once.” 

Kirk decided to wrap the meeting up – there wasn’t a whole lot more that could be said right now. He’d be in touch for sure, so Reese wouldn’t have any surprises when he or the others would show up here in the coming days. 

Leading the way once more, the small group headed outside. Once at his car though, Kirk turned and leaned back on the hood, folding his arms as he looked at the other three. “So…before I get back and report to Barnes…do any of you want to back out? I won’t hold it against you if you do. This is dangerous stuff. I just want to be sure since this is the point of no return.” 

Axel nodded slowly at Misty’s advice. “Okay. Thank you, Misty. I appreciate all this…I really do.” Bad news or not, he’d rather be here than a stuffy doctor’s office at the hospital. “I’ll think it over and let you know what I decide. 

As he was leaving, he almost ran into Rick, then headed out into the hall. He nodded to a few others on his way out. He didn’t know anyone here really well, but just well enough to recognize some faces, and he did wave to Jason and Katie, but they looked too busy to bother. 

Once he’d left, he aimed across town and stopped by the auto shop. Wandering inside, he was greeted with an enthusiastic, “Hey!” from Leo. 

Axel gave him a little wave. “Hey, guys.”

Jed popped out from underneath a car. “Yo, Axel! Good to see you, man! How goes it?”

“Eh.” Axel picked up a wrench to twirl it around in his good hand. “Could be better, but you know how it goes.” He forced a smile. 

“You back to work?” Leo asked.

“Not…yet.” Axel wouldn’t say never…at this point anyway. He glanced over to Ryan where she was working. “You may have to carry a bigger load for a little while longer…sorry.”

JT shouldn’t have been surprised at Bree’s enthusiasm. “Yep. Just stay put. I’m on my way.” He knew he had better hurry or she’d take off without him, and he really would prefer being with her for this.

It didn’t take long to pick her up, but the drive after that felt like an eternity. Finally though, a little over an hour later, they arrived at the impound to ask about Gunner’s car. It was there, just as Pete had said, but all they could find out was that it had been abandoned near a ravine just outside town. Without any other leads, JT suggested checking the hospital just in case…

“…We’re looking for a Brent Franklin. His car was abandoned and we’re afraid he might have been hurt.”

The nurse furrowed her brow and started checking her computer. “Hm…let me see…” She shook her head. “I don’t see any records under that name.”

JT sighed. “How about Gunner. Gunner Franklin? That’s what he usually goes by.”

She shook her head again. “I’m sorry.” She studied his and Bree’s faces for a moment, seeing how worried they were, and growing more sympathetic. “Have you been searching for him long?”

“Oh, um, just a couple days. He, uh, he was pretty depressed so…we’re worried about him.”

The nurse gained a frown and she looked back at the computer. “You know…this morning a man was brought in. He didn’t stay long though, so he wasn’t put into the regular system. We’re kind of archaic around here.” She patted the older computer monitor. “Yes…here it is. There was no name. Should have been, but looks like someone messed up. Anyway, he was transferred to the hospital in Crestview.”

JT’s heart lurched. “Do you know why he was here at all, or why he was transferred?”

“I’m not real sure, but…” She hesitated.

JT leaned forward on the counter. “Tell me.”

“I think it was a suicide attempt. I wasn’t the aid at the time, but if he was transferred, it was probably because we couldn’t handle him here.”

“You mean he was that critical?”

“No, I mean, we aren’t equipped for his type of case. The psychological aspect.”

Now JT understood. He desperately wanted to find Gunner, and he just as much hoped that this wasn’t him. “I see. Thank you. We’ll check with the Crestview hospital.” Turning to leave, he nodded for Bree to follow as he pulled out his phone and dialed. “Yeah, hi, this is doctor Timble. I’m calling to inquire about a patient. Brent Franklin.” He followed Bree through the doors and outside. “He would have been brought in this morning. Yes… you do? No, no…” He picked up his pace towards the parking lot. “No, hold him. I’ll be there soon.” He stuffed his phone back in his pocket as they reached the car and he opened the door. “They’ve got him. Come on.”